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#1 29.04.2021 20:14:25

Откуда: Киев
destroyer HMS Acasta
Сообщений: 6972


Хочу разобраться с историей потопления немецкими Ю-88 из LG 1 трех английских эсминцев в Средиземном море 11 мая 1942 года.
Официальный английский источник пишет:
Monday, 11th May 1942
Operation M.G. TWO – loss of JACKAL, KIPLING, and LIVELY.
D 14's force was sighted by enemy aircraft and turned back at 1445 in accordance with orders. Enemy air attacks developed at 1600 and continued to 2000 in three waves of 8 – 12 JU 88s, with HE 111 shadowing. At 1645, LIVELY was hit forward and sank at once in position 33-24N, 25-38E. At 2007 both KIPLING and JACKAL were hit in position 32-38N, 26-20E. KIPLING sank and JACKAL was taken in tow by JERVIS. JACKAL was heavily on fire and at 0455/12 she had to be sunk in position 32-33N, 26-25E. JERVIS returned to Alexandria with 630 officers and men from the three sunk ships. The Captain of LIVELY and 75 others were lost.
2. The bombing attacks were exceptionally accurate and determined. 1 HE 111 was destroyed and two HE 111 and at least 5 JU 88 damaged by the Beaufighter escort. Beaufighters were with the force during both the first and last attacks.
3. D 22 in SIKH with DULVERTON, AIREDALE, HASTY, and HURWORTH were sailed from Alexandria during the night 10/11th and joined D 14 at daylight.

Итальянский исследователь Франческо Маттезини сообщает:
While, with three other destroyers of the 14th Flotilla Mediterranean Fleet (Jervis, Jackal and Lively) fell to Alexandria from the failed attempt to intercept an Italian convoy bound for Benghazi, in the afternoon of 11 May 1942 Kipling was repeatedly attacked by aircraft German bombardment of X Fliegerkorps. A first raid, carried 16.30 fourteen Ju. 88 of the 1st Group of the 1st Squadron Experimental (I. / LG.1) took off from Heraklion (Crete), was fatal to the destroyer Lively, who was hit and sunk. Subsequently attacked, unsuccessfully, nine Ju. 88 of the 2nd Group of the 1st Squadron Experimental (II. / LG.1), took off from Eleusis (Athens), under the command of Captain Gerhard Kollewe. Finally, at about 20:00, during a last foray eleven Ju 88 of I. / LG1 (pilot captain Joachim Helbig) - returned to the attack after the sinking of Lively and after conducting a rapid refueling at Iraklion - the Kipling (Commander Aubrey St Clair-Ford) was shot in full along with the Jackal and sank within ten minutes lat. 32 ° 28'N, long. 26 ° 20'E, about 90 miles from Marsa Matruch. A hit and sink the Kipling were the bombs dropped from aircraft piloted by Captain Helbig. Survived, collected by Jervis, 221 men of a crew of 250. The Jackal sank.
Есть и другие описания, однако, во первых,  количество участвовавших в трех атаках немецких самолетов в разных источниках различное. Вот  есть такой вариант  http://allaces.ru/p/episode.php?id=1327
Непонятный момент - авторство попаданий в эсминцы. Есть информация, что "Лайвли" поразил обер-фельдфебель Отто Лойперт, "Киплинг" - сам Хелбиг, а "Джакел" - обер-лейтенант Герхард Бреннер, но она нуждается в подтверждении.
Еще один вопрос - хронология боя. В ULTRA взлет первой группы в 12.30 - посадка в 14.30. взлет второй в 13.30 - посадка в 16.30, взлет третьей в 15.45 - посадка в 19.00. Как состыковать эту хронологию с приведенными выше хронологиями? Какую хронологию используют все эти источники?
Буду благодарен за любую помощь.

Отредактированно CAM (04.05.2021 22:08:39)

Если встретите более слабого противника - нападайте, если равного по силам - нападайте, если более сильного - все равно нападайте!

#2 01.05.2021 22:48:11

Откуда: Киев
destroyer HMS Acasta
Сообщений: 6972

Re: Helbig-Flyers

Вообще это крайне запутанная история.
Итальянцы претендуют на потопление "Лайвли"
At 16.34 8 Ju-88 of I/LG 1 struck, each armed with two 250-kg bombs. Engagement lasted f quarter hour after which germans returned, appreciating correctly that all their bombs had missed. A few minutes later, a hundred miles northeast of Tobruk, six Cant 1007 bis bombers of 35° Stormo from Barce attacked from out ot the sun, benefiting from fact that British formation was scattered as a result of just concluded attack. They dropped their bombs unseen from high altitude. One stick of twelve 100 kg bombs straddled Lively. She tooka direct hit on B gun deck just abaft gun that exploded at a lower deck level and several near misses occurred abreast A mounting. Vessel immediately settled by bow listing heavily to starboard. A heavy explosion occurred forward and ship sank stern first within three and a half minutes. 77 of ships company were killed or missing. They never knew what hit them.                                                                                                                             RAF escort, formed by a pair of just arrived Beaufighters, could not reach three-engined italian aircraft at 8000 meters, moreover, with their bombs away and with tanks half empty. At 17.09 another German strike by 9 Ju-88 dive bombers combined with 4 high level He-111 of II./LG 1 arrived overhead. Ordeal of destroyers lasted until 17.33, but three ships came through unscathed. Air escort, now 4 Beaufighters, continued to be ineffective. 

Отредактированно CAM (04.05.2021 21:08:59)

Если встретите более слабого противника - нападайте, если равного по силам - нападайте, если более сильного - все равно нападайте!

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