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Предлагаю начать с такого человека, как Ю. Эли, пионера авиации корабельного базирования.
ЮДЖИН ЭЛИ (1886- 1911)
Тут у меня тоже найдется несколько уточняющих вопросов...
Для ввода в курс дела не знающих
Eugene B. Ely, Aviator, (1886-1911)
Eugene B. Ely was born in Davenport, Iowa, on 21 October 1886. In 1904, following graduation from Iowa State University, he moved to San Francisco, California, where he was active in the then-young automobile business as a salesman, chauffeur, mechanic and racing car driver. Ely married Mabel Hall, of Corte Madera, California, in 1907. She was to play a active role in his subsequent aviation career, acting as manager and publicist.
That phase of Ely's life began early in 1910, after he had relocated to Portland, Oregon, to continue his automotive work. There he encountered a Curtiss airplane, rebuilt the primitive machine, and taught himself to fly. Within a few months he had begun making exhibition flights, discovering that to be a financially rewarding use of his talents. Ely and his plane put on shows at Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, in June 1910 and met pioneer aviation entrepreneur Glenn Curtiss in the latter city. Quickly recognizing Ely's abilities, Curtiss took him on as a member of his commercial flying team.
Ely travelled extensively through the eastern United States during the following months, entertaining audiences with aerial exploits. In late October, while participating in an international air meet at Belmont Park, New York, he made contact with Captain Washington I. Chambers, the officer responsible for the Navy's embryonic aviation activities. This meeting resulted in Ely's performance of two pioneering acts of flying, both of immense significance to the future of maritime power: the first shipboard aircraft takeoff and landing.
The first of these events took place on 14 November 1910, in Hampton Roads, Virginia, when Ely took off from a temporary platform erected over the bow of the scout cruiser Birmingham. Two months later, on 18 January 1911, while performing at San Francisco, California, Ely landed his plane on the armored cruiser Pennsylvania, and after a brief visit on board, flew back to shore.
Remaining in the western U.S. during the first part of 1911, Ely continued a heavy schedule of air shows. He also joined the California National Guard, conducted some of the first military aviation flights, and became aviation aid to the state's Governor. In July Ely returned to the eastern part of the Nation, taking part in air exhibitions and races in several places. On 19 October 1911, while flying at Macon, Georgia, his plane crashed and Ely was killed. However, he was survived by his many contributions to the field of aviation, notably including the introduction of aircraft to the seagoing Navy. In 1933 Eugene B. Ely's historic achievements were posthumously recognized by the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Источник Naval History Center biography
Первый полет Эли сделал с борта крейсера "Бирмингем.
Приготовления к полету.
Аэроплан загружают на крейсер, оборудованный взлетной палубой. На последнем фото самолет "съехал" влево.
"Бирмингем" с самолетом на борту отправляется в плавание.
Следующее фото. Рука фотографа "дрогнула"
Для сравнения: "Бирмингем" без самолета.
В заключение первой части другая "фактическая статья:
Отредактированно Россiя (04.11.2009 17:51:39)
Следующий полет- сенсационная посадка на крейсер "Пенсильвания".
Фотографическое изображение этого события.
ugene Ely's Flight to USS Pennsylvania, 18 January 1911
Soon after Eugene B. Ely's historic airplane flight from USS Birmingham Captain Washington I. Chambers, the Navy's aviation officer, proposed that Ely try landing his plane on board ship. The aviator, always searching for new ways to generate publicity for his aerial exhibitions, enthusiastically accepted the proposition, offering to make the attempt in January 1911 at San Francisco, California., where he would be participating in an air meet.
The honor of hosting the landing was assigned to the Pacific Fleet's armored cruiser Pennsylvania, and the Mare Island Navy Yard constructed a temporary wooden platform over her after deck and gun turret. Ely and others devised a method of stopping the plane within the platform's 120 by 30 foot dimensions: a series of ropes, with sandbags at each end, would be stretched across the temporary deck and held above it by boards laid along its length. Hooks were attached to the airplane's landing gear to catch the ropes, and the weight of the sandbags would bring the machine to a rapid halt. In case of an overrun, or a swerve off the platform's edge, Pennsylvania's crew rigged canvas awnings in front and to the sides to catch plane and pilot. This arrangement was a clever one, worked well, and in general pointed the way to the arresting gear and safety barrier system that is employed on the Navy's aircraft carriers to this day.
Shortly before 11 AM on the morning of 18 January 1911, after the usual weather-driven delays, Ely took off from Tanforan racetrack. Pennsylvania was anchored off the San Francisco waterfront, in full view of thousands of spectators ashore, on ships at the city piers, and in a flock of small craft gathered around the cruiser. The little Curtiss pusher biplane came into view, flew around ship to check arrangements and set up the landing course, and then came in toward Pennsylvania's stern. Ely was prepared to handle the existing tailwind, but apparently did not expect the updraft that struck his lightly-loaded plane just as it reached the platform. Fortunately, he responded quickly, dove and snagged the arresting gear about halfway up its length. The Curtiss pulled ropes and sandbags to a smooth stop before reaching any of the safety barriers.
Ely's wife greeted him with and enthusiastic "Oh, boy! I knew you could do it". Pennsylvania's Commanding Officer, Captain Charles F. Pond, took the pilot and important guests below for a celebratory lunch. While they dined, the landing platform was cleared and the plane turned around in preparation for takeoff. Then the Elys, Pond and the others posed for photographs. The pilot then remounted his machine and, about an hour after the World's first shipboard airplane landing, made history's second successful takeoff. Captain Pond sent a favorable report to the Navy Department, Eugene Ely added luster to his reputation as a smart and innovative aviator, and the Navy began the slow process of bringing "flying machines" into its force structure. For the next decade, however, the British Royal Navy would take the lead in the further development of aircraft-carrying warships.
Переоборудование крейсера
Самолет почти остановился...
Эли на самолете после посадки...
Взлет- уже обыденное дело благодаря самому авиатору...
Триумфальное возвращение..
Использовал фото U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph, G.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph, а также материалы Р.Джонса из Вики.
Отредактированно Россiя (04.11.2009 16:42:08)
Flying near a U.S. Navy armored cruiser in Elliott Bay, Washington, 1911.
Photographed by Nowell & Rognon, Seattle, Washington.
Probably taken on 20 July 1911, with Ely in the upper airplane and Robinson flying low in the floatplane.
The cruiser is probably USS West Virginia , flagship of the Pacific Fleet.
Нельзя ли сказать точнее, что это за КР?
Отредактированно Россiя (04.11.2009 16:43:07)
Ну, коллеги? Кто помогать- то будет?
Спасибо большое отписавшимся в личку.
В 1914 (до войны) проводятся испытания по применению гидроавиации на крейсерах "Кагул" и "Память Меркурия".
Первые полеты были произведены до войны лейтенантом В.В. Утгофом.
Номер машины М-9 на которой он летал?
Сколько побед одержал?
Когда совершил первый вылет?
Были ли переоборудованы "Кагул" и "Память Меркурия" для приема гидроавиации?
За все ответы буду очень благодарен...
Отредактированно Россiя (07.11.2009 10:45:36)
Ну о русских морских летчиках многое можно найти здесь:
Сумрак написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #80857
Ну о русских морских летчиках многое можно найти здесь/quote]
Право, Вы меня обижаетеВсе давно уж исследовано... Но ответа для себя я пока не нашел и там.
Air Commodore Charles Rumney Samson CMG, DSO & Bar, AFC (8 July 1883 – 5 February 1931) was a British naval aviation pioneer.
Samson entered HMS Britannia as a cadet in 1896, before becoming a midshipman in the Royal Navy in 1898. He was promoted Sub-Lieutenant in 1902 and the following year served on HMS Pomone in the Persian Gulf and Somaliland. While serving as an officer on boys' training ships, he was promoted to Lieutenant on 30 September 1904.
In 1906 Samson was appointed Officer Commanding Torpedo Boat No. 81 and in February 1908 he was sent to HMS Commonwealth. The following year he was appointed First Lieutenant on HMS Philomel serving in the Persian Gulf and in the autumn of 1910 he transferred to HMS Foresight, again serving as the ship's First Lieutenant.
In 1911 he was selected as one of the first four Royal Navy officers to receive pilot training, obtaining his Royal Aero Club certificate the following year after completing only 71 minutes in the air.[1] He completed flying training at navy's school at Eastchurch before being appointed Officer Commanding of Naval Air Station Eastchurch in October 1911. The following April he was appointed Officer Commanding the Naval Flying School, still at Eastchurch but this was a short-lived title. With the establishment of the Royal Flying Corps in May 1912, Samson became the Commandant of the RFC's Naval Wing.
Samson took part in various early naval aviation experiments, including the development of navigation lights and bomb sights. He was the first British pilot to take off from a ship, on 10 January 1912, from HMS Africa which was anchored in the River Medway. On 2 May he became the first pilot to take off from a moving ship, HMS Hibernia in Weymouth Bay.
When the Royal Flying Corps was formed in 1912, Samson took command of its Naval Wing, and led the development of aerial wireless communications, bomb- and torpedo-dropping, navigational techniques, and night flying.
In 1914 the Royal Navy separated the Naval Wing from the Royal Flying Corps, naming it the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS). In July Samson was appointed Officer Commanding the Eastchurch (Mobile) Squadron which was renamed No. 3 Squadron RNAS by September 1914.
In 1914 while Samson was in command of the Royal Naval Air Station at Eastchurch, he led a flight in the Naval Review at Spithead which was the first time aircraft had appeared in the review. As an effort to increase the popularity of flying in the navy, Samson had his pilots offer rides to anyone who was interested.
When World War I broke out, Samson took the Eastchurch RNAS Squadron to France, where it supported Allied ground forces along the French and Belgian frontiers. In the late summer of 1914, with too few aircraft at his disposal, Samson instead had his men patrol the French and Belgian countryside in the privately-owned cars some of them had taken to war. The first patrol comprised two cars, nine men, and one machine gun. Inspired by the success of the Belgians' experience of armoured cars, Samson had two RNAS cars, a Mercedes and a Rolls-Royce, armoured. These vehicles had only partial protection, with a single machine gun firing backwards, and were the first British armoured vehicles to see action. Within a month most of Samson's cars had been armed and some armoured. These were joined by further cars which had been armoured in Britain with hardened steel plates at Royal Navy workshops. The force was also equipped with some trucks which had been armoured and equipped with loopholes so that the Royal Marines carried in them could fire their rifles in safety.
Aggressive patrolling by Samson's improvised force in the area between Dunkirk and Antwerp did much to prevent German cavalry divisions from carrying out effective reconnaissance, and with the help of Belgian Post Office employees who used the intact telephone system to report German movements, he was able to probe deeply into German occupied territory. Closer to Dunkirk, Samson's force assisted Allied units in contact with the Germans, and at other times made use of their mobility and machine guns to exploit open flanks, cover retreats, and race German forces to important areas.[2]
Samson's aircraft also bombed the Zeppelin sheds at Düsseldorf and Cologne, and by the end of 1914, when mobile warfare on the Western Front ended and trench warfare took its place, his squadron had been awarded four Distinguished Service Orders, among them his own, and he was given a special promotion and the rank of Commander. He spent the next few months bombing gun positions, submarine depots, and seaplane sheds on the Belgian coast.
In March 1915 Samson's unit was posted to the Dardanelles, where it was based on the island of Tenedos, and later Imbros. His squadron patrolled the Straits, directed the fire of battleships, attacked Turkish communications including railway bridges, and covered the Allied evacuation.
Following the end of the Dardanelles campaign, Samson's unit was disbanded and he was given command of HMS Ben-my-Chree, a former Isle of Man passenger steamer which had been converted into a seaplane carrier. Based at Port Said, he patrolled the coasts of Palestine, Syria, and Arabia, sometimes bombing Turkish positions, and sometimes sending his aircraft on reconnaissance missions. In January 1917 he sailed to Castellorizo to carry out joint operations with the French, and in the harbour there the Ben My Chree was sunk on 11 January by Turkish gunfire. His two escort ships, already equipped to carry a few seaplanes, were fitted out for independent air operations, and from Aden and later Colombo, he patrolled the Indian Ocean for enemy commerce raiders.
From November 1917 until the end of the War, Samson was in command of an aircraft group at Great Yarmouth responsible for anti-submarine and anti-Zeppelin operations over the North Sea, during which time his group shot down five Zeppelins. In order to bring fighter aircraft into action near the enemy coasts, he devised lighters which could be towed behind naval vessels and used as take-off platforms by fighter aircraft. This system later led to the destruction of a Zeppelin by one of Samson's team.
In October 1918 the group became 73 Wing of the new 4 Group based at Felixstowe, as part of the Royal Air Force. Samson became commanding officer of this group, and in August 1919 gave up his naval commission and received instead a permanent commission in the RAF with the rank of Group Captain.
During 1920 Samson served as Chief Staff Officer in the Coastal Area, and in 1921 became Air Officer Commanding of the RAF units in the Mediterranean, based at Malta. In 1922 he was promoted to Air Commodore and given command of 6 Fighter Group at Kenley.
In June 1926 he became Chief Staff Officer of the RAF's, Middle East Command, and organized and led the first flight of an RAF bomber formation over Africa from Cairo to the Cape of Good Hope, which involved setting up and supplying bases and surveying the unknown route. The flight, which was made by four Fairey IIIF biplanes, was a success. He remained with the Middle East command until August 1927.
Samson resigned his commission in 1929 and died of heart failure at his home near Salisbury, Wiltshire, on 5 February 1931. He was buried at Putney on 10 February.
Honours and awards:
* Distinguished Service Order (1914) and Bar (1917)
* Croix de Guerre with palm (1914)
* Chevalier of the Légion d'honneur (1915)
* Air Force Cross (1919)
* Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (1919)
Фотографии переоборудования "Африки" у меня отсутствуют в принципе.
Сам ЭБР вот
Теперь "Хиберниа"
С самолетами на борту:
Кстати, открыточка с самолетом лейтенанта:
Наибольший интерес представляет собой "Гермес".Его, кстати, потопила U-27.
Отредактированно Россiя (07.11.2009 11:41:29)
В марте 1912-го французский крейсер «Фудр» был оборудован первым в мире корабельным авиационным ангаром, и в 1913-м в качестве корабля-базы гидросамолетов уже принимал участие в маневрах республиканского флота на Средиземном море. Во время Первой мировой войны «Фудр» использовался как носитель гидросамолетов и при оказании помощи Черногории в Адриатике, и при обороне Суэцкого канала, и в ходе Дарданелльской операции.
Таким образом, "Фудр" является первым в мире носителем морской авиации, оборудованном специальными приспособлениями.
Foudre, first seaplane carrier in history, with hangar and cranes.
Foudre as a torpedo boat tender
Foudre tending torpedo boats
Tactical exercises of the seaplane Canard Voisin with the seaplane carrier Foudre, in June 1912.
Canard Voisin seaplane under trial in August 1911.
A Caudron seaplane, being craned on La Foudre in April 1914.
Foudre circa 1914.
Отредактированно Россiя (06.07.2009 13:30:57)
Для полноты списка...
Нельзя не вспомнить об этом "русском чуде".
В июле 1910 г. подполковник М.М. Конокотин в докладе МТК “Об организации опытов по применению самолетов на флоте” предложил проект переоборудования броненосца “Адмирал Лазарев” в авианосец. На корабле предусматривались большая верхняя палуба, размещение труб по бортам судна, нижняя ангарная палуба для хранения десяти самолетов и два лифта для подъема и спуска самолетов. Председатель МТК академик А.Н. Крылов одобрил проект. Было дано распоряжение о финансировании работ, связанных с его реализацией, и об отборе наиболее пригодных аэропланов. Однако вскоре Морской Генеральный штаб отказался от этого проекта. Назывались различные причины отказа, в том числе отсутствие возможности создания и необходимости такого корабля. Тогда казалось, что гидросамолеты прибрежного базирования предпочтительнее корабельных самолетов того же назначения, так как они смогут на Балтийском и Черном морях, исходя из масштабов театра военных действий, успешно решать всю совокупность возлагаемых на них задач. Применение корабельной авиации на Дальнем Востоке и на Севере вообще не рассматривалось.
И все же предложенные Л.М. Мациевичем и М.М. Конокотиным проекты были актуальными, а сообщения о них опубликованы в журналах “Морской сборник”, “Вестник воздухоплавания”, “Кронштадтский вестник”.
Конокотин высказывал свою мысль в МТК: Первоначально можно ограничиться одним из старых судов, например «Адмирал Лазарев». По моим предварительным измерениям, этот корабль после необходимых переделок сможет удовлетворить следующим требованиям: поместить со всеми необходимыми приспособлениями 10 самолетов, иметь приспособления для быстрого взлета самолетов, иметь чистую палубу, и если окажется необходимым, то и приспособления для посадки на палубу.
В переоборудованном виде «Адмирал Лазарев» должен был представлять собой авианосец с двумя палубами. Верхняя, полетная, — совершенно чистая, без надстроек и дымовых труб — используется только для взлета и посадки аэропланов. Вторая, ангарная, предназначена для хранения самолетов, подаваемых на полетную палубу через два «машинных люка».
Россiя написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #80358
Пронюхав о планах флота, газета «Уорлд» попыталась опередить военных. Лайнер «Пенсильвания» компании «Гамбург» Америка» был спешно подготовлен для полета. «Уорлд» и МакКарди готовились провести полет в воскресенье 12 ноября. Самолет МакКарди был поднят на корабль, и пилот запустил мотор для предстартовых испытаний. Но когда пропеллер завертелся, он зацепил канистру с маслом, и одна лопасть отлетела. Запасного пропеллера не имелось, и полет снова пришлось отложить. Капитан 1 ранга Чемберс не стал ждать и не предоставил МакКарди еще один шанс стать первым.
Спасибо уважаемому Klaus'у- по лайнеру ищем информацию тут.
SS Pennsylvania
c. 1910
Photo from the George Grantham Bain Collection Library of Congress Prints and Photographic Division
c. 1910
Photo from the George Grantham Bain Collection Library of Congress Prints and Photographic Division
16 February 1911
The famous Canadian pilot J.A.D. McCurdy in his Curtiss pusher. He was the first person to fly an 'aeroplane' over British soil, but missed being the first pilot to take off from a ship. Eugene B. Ely flew off the cruiser USS Birmingham (CL-2) nine days later on November 14, 1910 and into the history of Naval Aviation
Photo from the George Grantham Bain Collection Library of Congress Prints and Photographic Division
Отредактированно Россiя (07.07.2009 16:52:28)
Аппараты лейтенанта ( затем старшего лейтенанта) В.В.Утгофа -
В феврале 1914г - Кертисс Е № 4
- марте 1915г - Кертисс Ф № 16
- августе 1916г - М-9 № 114
- марте 1917г - М-9 № 116
Со второй половины 1916г занимал должность начальника корабельной авиации.
Сбитых аппаратов противника за ним не числится.
Крейсера переоборудованы для приема гидропланов не были. Опыты 1914г остались опытами...
vikinn Большое спасибо за номера машин.
vikinn написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #91250
Сбитых аппаратов противника за ним не числится.
В какой именно литературе?
Все те же работы А.О.Александрова...
vikinn написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #91398
Все те же работы А.О.Александрова...
Насколько я понимаю, Утгоф был некоторое время командиром авиаотряда на оз. Мангалия из 4 самолетов М-5 и 4 самолетов М-9, а этот авиаотряд имел несколько боев с болгарскими (немецкими) аэропланами.
Этой персоной впору заняться подробнее.. Что еще о нем пишет Александров?
Лейтенант Утгоф В.В. с ноября 1914г до июля 1915г - начальник отряда Б.2 ( впоследствии 2-й корабельный) / гидрокрейсер " Император Николай I "
Старший лейтенант Утгоф В.В. со второй половины 1916г занимал должность начальника корабельной авиации.
17/30 марта 1915г При бомбардировке Зонгулдака лейт. В.В. Утгоф и унт.-оф. А.С.Демченко бомбой уничтожили электростанцию.
12/25 августа 1916г При бомбардировке Варны ст. лейт. В.В. Утгоф и унт.-оф. Ф.Я.Осколков на М-9 № 114 попали бомбой в неизвестное судно вызвав пожар.
Из других источников ( Д.Ю.Козлов " Флот в Румынской кампании 1916-17гг. ")
05 сентября 1916г ( нов.ст.) корабельный отряд из 4-х пятерок и 4-х девяток под командыванием ст. лейт. В.В. Утгофа на гидрокрейсере " Император Николай I "
прибыл в Констанцу. Его базирование планировалось на оз. Мангалия , а задача - действовать только против Варны. В сентябре аппараты перебазировались на озеро Сингол
в 8км севернее Констанцы.
Очень интересная тема! Позвольте и мне вставить свои "три копейки". Речь идет о истребительной палубной советской авиации, первых опытовых стартах с корабля в ... 1944 году на Черноморском флоте. В октябре 1944 года впервые в советском флоте с катапульты крейсера "Молотов" стартовали один за другим три истребителя 24 отдельной авиаэскадрильи корабельной авиции ВВС ЧФ. Вот фото, которые удалось обнаружить (отчет эксперимента был засекречен по понятным причинам):
В числе первых трех летчиков-истребителей палубной авиации советского и теперь российского флота был и мой отец. По его воспоминаниям я описывал это событие в статьях в интернете и в газетах. Вот ссылка http://www.moravia.ru/arch_storyes/id/65/
Warman Оно, конечно, хорошо , но я хотел бы ограничить тему заявленной, т.е.
Между войнами, 1905 - 1914
Предлагаю Вам завести тему на втором "промежутке" между ПМВ и ВМВ, но здесь 1944 все- таки не место
А статья очень интересная.
vikinn написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #91491
Из других источников ( Д.Ю.Козлов " Флот в Румынской кампании 1916-17гг. ")
Да, да. Это я уже посмотрел.
vikinn написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #91491
17/30 марта 1915г При бомбардировке Зонгулдака лейт. В.В. Утгоф и унт.-оф. А.С.Демченко бомбой уничтожили электростанцию.
А вот это уже служит "зацепкой". У меня есть отчет по операции, буду дома- посмотрю.
Отредактированно Россiя (12.07.2009 10:20:47)
Россiя написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #91648
но я хотел бы ограничить тему заявленной, т.е.
Между войнами, 1905 - 1914
Прошу извинить. В качестве оправдания: в названии темы ""Корабельная авиция - первые опыты ..." я в начале не усмотрел никаких временных рамок и посчитал, что мой пост будет точно в тему. Тем более, что он касается также русской (советской) боевой авиации.
Прошу извинить...
Warman написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #91651
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Да ладно, бывает
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