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Prospero написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #750954
Насколько существенно изменилось содержание данной статьи (особенно в части имевших место воздушных боев с участием ВВС ТОФ и потерь самолетов, понесенных японцами), по сравнению с Вашей публикацией по этой же теме в журнале «Авиация и время» №2/2000?
По воздушным боям там ничего нового нет.
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #751827
On day 27 July, concerning a pair "Patrol vessels" attacked by 1 enemey (soviet) gunboat and 1 MTB occurred on 25 July. One patrol vessel is reported as sunk with crew missing. Igor has checked the soviet data and found that SKA-0175 and TK-154 were involved.
I didn't research battles on Azov sea earlier.
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #751827
You knew about this event? What's your opinion about it?
I think this is somewhat mistake. I don't know what is "Neumann command" and what it was doing off Noworossijsk. I found nothing similar this in KTB ASM.
"I think this is somewhat mistake. I don't know what is "Neumann command" and what it was doing off Noworossijsk. I found nothing similar this in KTB ASM."
Found further data, i don't know how i could miss it, but it seems that the option of mistake of the engagement during 20 / 21 November has to be denied, yet that night there is a report that gives further confirmation of the existance of such group. It said that during the 20/21 November the SKA/TKA landing attempt had as result: "attack was repulsed by 2 vessels of Neumann group. Causalities were light"
http://archive.org/stream/wardiarygerma … 4/mode/2up
Igor wrote me about 3 wia during an engagement but that was on 19/20, not the following night.
Still this is a clue about the existance of such cutter's group.
Sadly i could not find it now, but i'm pretty much sure that in the previous page at some point it was announced (in few words) the formation of such group: basically an harbor/coastal defensive cutter groups under command of this Neumann.
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #755178
Sadly i could not find it now, but i'm pretty much sure that in the previous page at some point it was announced (in few words) the formation of such group: basically an harbor/coastal defensive cutter groups under command of this Neumann.
Probably you are right. In KTB of Seekom. Kaukasus I found short record about engagement between kutter "Seidan" with a sinle MG and some soviet cutters off Schirokaja Balka about 01.00 September 20th (not November as you wrote above). The very engagement was described in KTB ASM like "See-Fahrzeuge des Einzatzkdos. Neumann".
BTW, "Seidan" sunk September 22nd in Schirokaja Balka as the result of close explosion of a small bomb. Later "Seidan" probably was raised (the works began on September 27th).
" Probably you are right. In KTB of Seekom. Kaukasus I found short record about engagement between kutter "Seidan" with a sinle MG and some soviet cutters off Schirokaja Balka about 01.00 September 20th (not November as you wrote above). The very engagement was described in KTB ASM like "See-Fahrzeuge des Einzatzkdos. Neumann".
BTW, "Seidan" sunk September 22nd in Schirokaja Balka as the result of close explosion of a small bomb. Later "Seidan" probably was raised (the works began on September 27th) "
Oh sorry! I'm terrible when i write about days & months <.< basically because i can work on this little hobby when i've finished study and i got a bit tired v.v
It's interesting about this "Seidan" ! But there is something that could be related to the second event ? (26 / 27 September).
Or maybe the report of cutter lost was about the loss of Seidan? Yet it seems from the KTB that the event occurred the same 27 Sept. (or maybe a delayed report of the previous day) and not a week before.
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #755533
Or maybe the report of cutter lost was about the loss of Seidan?
I think so, because nothing like engagement contains in KTB Seekom Kaukasus on that days.
Thank you much!
About the previous engagement there was no detail about causalities? (as reported on the main KTB, that apart having some mistakes, could also imply causalities by the coastal forces, sadly it's poor of details).
BTW it's interesting the work i'm doing with igor on axisforum, for now apart that smal fishing cutter that i've wrote above didn't appeared other significant "never seen before" soviet successes with enemy losses. Even if a number of details of damages (light to medium) and few causalities are given for a number of engagements. We're in the middle of 1943 checking, and i think that a number of interesting events could still surface here and there.
I will write here if there is something of relevant or mysterious.
Thanks again for your time ^^
Мирослав Эдуардович! Не подскажите - после повреждения в марте 1942г. плавбаза "Нева" встала в ремонт, который длился до Нового года(?). А куда на этот период перешли базировавшиеся на неё "щуки"?
Заранее спасибо, с уважением..
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #755923
About the previous engagement there was no detail about causalities? (as reported on the main KTB, that apart having some mistakes, could also imply causalities by the coastal forces, sadly it's poor of details).
There were no records about losses in KTB.
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #755923
I will write here if there is something of relevant or mysterious.
maslopoop написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #756359
А куда на этот период перешли базировавшиеся на неё "щуки"?
На нее же и базировались. "Нева" чинилась без отрыва от производства.
Ув. Мирослав Эдуардович, не можете ли Вы подсказать, какие именно подрывные заряды использовали наши подводники в ВОВ и сколько зарядов было на ПЛ?
Точно не скажу - подрывные патроны различной мощности. По материалам катастрофы на Щ-139 известно, что в 7-м отсеке над ТА хранились 23 подрывных патрона №3, но мощность их мне не известна.
Botik Petra Velikogo написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #757073
подрывных патрона №3, но мощность их мне не известна
Около 3 кг тротила
vas63 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #757130
Около 3 кг тротила
Это точные данные или предположение?
Дело в том, что подрывной патрон №2 был мощнее патрона №3. Это из тех же материалов расследования.
Я имел ввиду современный подрывной патрон ПП-3. Хотя не думаю, что веса подрывных патронов поменялись. Наименования патронов обычно примерно соответствуют их весу.
Приводя вес по памяти ошибся немного: ПП-3 - 2,5 кг, ПП-2 - 400 г.
http://u-96.livejournal.com/1570839.htm … d=28466967
Ну это в настоящее время, как я понял, а в войну было наоборот ПП-2 больше ПП-3. Номиналы, получается, в то время были другими.
Working on the main english KTB and the Black Sea ones, i've found another pair of interesting events that with igor has not managed to find a soviet side of the events.
First event:
Night of 25 / 26 September 1943
A clash between the MFP F-302 against what are reported to be "5 small gunboats" on the South Taman Coast from the h.02.22 of the day 26 September cause no damages to the Germans, but one man is killed in action.
The event is described with some details int the Black Sea KTB and seems pretty much confirmed yet it has proved unable to find who caused such causality.
Second (more interesting event):
Night of 6 / 7 October 1943
The German eboats S-42, S-48 and S-52 and a fourth one are on sea to try to attempt intercepting the group of Soviet main warships (Kharkov and 2 DDs) that were attacked the previous day and were then sunk by German aircrafts.
Both the Black Sea KTB and the main KTB say they clashed after h 19. 45 (of day 6) with a group of Soviet gunboats "including the ones with 75mm" (these ones should have been 1125 class: previously the Germans often described them as the "gunboats with 75mm" even if the main gun was of 76mm).
During the engagement German suffered damages:
S-42 had a 40mm gun put out of action.
S-48 had a 45mm hit in her collision compartment.
S-52 had slight fragment damages
Also Germans claimed that 2 enemy vessels got 20mm and 40mm hits.
Text of KTB: https://archive.org/stream/wardiaryofad … 5/mode/2up
Sadly it not surfaced who could have ben involved: igor found that " t's just mentioned that 7.10.43 early 5 TKA and 6 SKA returned from search. "
Could they have been involved?
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #758310
A clash between the MFP F-302 against what are reported to be "5 small gunboats" on the South Taman Coast from the h.02.22 of the day 26 September cause no damages to the Germans, but one man is killed in action.
Two German MFP took part in the action - F-302, F-315 and she lost a men each. From the soviet side this was the 3rd lading group of Blagoveshenskaja landing - four MO and some other small cutters. At least SKA-022 took part in action and fired 130 45-mm and 260 12,7-mm shells. No losses from the soviet side.
lupodimare89 написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #758310
Second (more interesting event):
Night of 6 / 7 October 1943
The fourth E-boat was S-51, and S-28 was instead S-48. The german group attacked some cutters, which tried to rescue survirous from 3 sunken DD. At least SKA-015 took part in two short actions and fired in all 49 45-mm, 160 12,7-mm shells. I have no info about losses on the soviet cutters, probably no losses and damages.
Thank you very much! These are very interesting confirmation!
Sorry for that mistake (i try my best but can work on this only after university/study, when i'm a bit tired, apart rare holidays).
An additional element that sergei (also here on tsushima.net) found about PQ-13 battle (hoping that first or later could be useful ^^) :
http://s8.postimg.org/c8cv1dout/Battle_ … onvoys.png
http://s12.postimg.org/6uao9xyil/Battle … onvoys.png
Basically this british text reconstructed that the shells noticed by the Allied destroyer were not of Trinidad or German destroyers but from the Fury itself.
However it say quite clearly that even if the events occurred at the same time, the "russian destroyer" (Sokr.) fired against the german destroyer (Z-26) that at the time Eclipse identified as Trinidad.
This was in some way confirmed by the German short report from the KTB, with Z-26 reported of being chased by 2 different Allied destroyer (after being damaged by Trinidad) and that the first one was larger then the second one.
Sadly from the short German account, can't be said if the first larger destroyer (Sokr.) managed to score an hit as claimed or not.
Generally speaking i would thank you again, Morozov, for the incredible work of spreading knowledge and question replying you do.
I would have liked to make something in return, with info about italian forces in Black Sea, but if nothing else i will keep an eye for things that could be helpful for you or other researchers.
Thank you for kind words, I'll consider about your info of PQ-13 battle.
Мирослав Эдуардович! 23 боевых походов Н.И. Морозова это реальная цифра?
Заранее спасибо, с уважением..
Думаю, да, хотя у меня по походам ПЛ СФ проходит 15 упоминаний. Далеко не всегда факт присутствия обеспечивающего попадал в боевое донесение, особенно если в походе ничего не происходило.
Мирослав Эдуардович! А у Вас нет точной даты вручения (подъема) экипажу Щ-215 гвардейского флага?
Заранее спасибо, с уважением..
Поднят 3 сентября 1944 г. А у Вас есть фото этого события?
Botik Petra Velikogo написал:
Оригинальное сообщение #763187
Поднят 3 сентября 1944 г. А у Вас есть фото этого события
Не уверен, но, похоже, слева - М.В. Грешилов..
Спасибо Александру!
Отредактированно maslopoop (18.11.2013 21:33:57)
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