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Творчество английского художника Уилльяма Фредерика Митчелла (William Frederick Mitchell)
William Frederick Mitchell
William Frederick Mitchell (Portsmouth, 1845 – 1914, Ryde, Isle of Wight) was a British artist commissioned to paint various ships of the Royal Navy. His collected works were original published in The Royal Navy in a series of illustrations. He has many works in the National Maritime Museum Collection in England. He lived most of his life near Portsmouth and painted pictures of ships for their officers and owners. He also illustrated Brassey's Naval Annual. His works are numbered and run to more than 3,500. His medium was principally watercolour but he produced some oils. He has been reported as being mute
Викепедия. В теме использованы материалы Национального Морского музея, Арт галереи, собрания автора
Отредактированно Strannik4465 (09.11.2010 21:06:09)
Крейсер 1 ранга =Россия=
Крейсер 1 ранга =Варяг=
Крейсер 1 ранга =Баян=
Отредактированно Strannik4465 (20.08.2011 15:04:24)
Эскадренный броненосец =Пересвет=
Эскадренный броненосец =Цесаревич=
Эскадренный броненосец =Князь Потемкин Таврический=
Отредактированно Strannik4465 (20.08.2011 15:02:59)
Яхта =Осборн=
=Bacchante= и яхта =Osborne= 1883 год.
Отредактированно Strannik4465 (09.11.2010 21:45:14)