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#1 12.09.2009 10:12:48


C-tube, Y-tube, K-tube и другие средства обнаружения и целеуказания для ПЛ и НК

Как и обещался выкладываю материалы по шумопеленгаторам американских ПЛ.
Источник: U.S. SUBMARINES THROUGH 1945. AN ILLUSTRATED DESIGN HISTORY. By Norman Friedman. Naval Institute Press Annapolis, Maryland, 1995

Perhaps the most important wartime Allied innovation in submarine technology was listening gear (passive low-frequency sonar). In April 1917, only the British and French had it; however, the U.S. government conducted a very successful crash program. The Submarine Signal Co. (now a division of Raytheon Corp.) already made underwater bells and oscillators for signaling. Along with General Electric and Western Electric, the company established a joint experimental station at Nahant; later, the Navy established a laboratory (now Naval Undersea Systems) at New London. Work initially focused on the new 110-ft subchasers, but it was soon discovered that a submarine was a better acoustic platform.
Nahant developed the Coolidge tube (C-tube) a pair of 3-in rubber spheres at each end of a 5-ft T-pipe, which could be turned until both received the same level of sound. Later, it was made more sensitive by replacing each of the single spheres with up to six spheres. The C-tube was credited with a range of 1,000-8,000 yd based on 90 sec of listening; it could measure target bearing to within 5 degrees. C-tubes were mounted outboard, clamped to a ship's side. The improved SC-tube was mounted inboard, protruding from a ship's keel or a submarine's deck.
Handicapped by poor periscopes, the AL-boats had to rely largely on their SC-tubes. A U.S. officer surprised his British hosts (on board HMS E 29) "when I told them that on my last patrol ... we had not only been able to anticipate by our SC tube all vessels sighted, but also had been able to determine their bearing within a few degrees, the character of the vessel and, if more than one, how many there were."
New London developed a more elaborate trainable receiver, MB. Two rows of short pipes in the form of Ts were connected by the uprights of the Ts to larger pipes, and these larger ones to the central hearing tubes. MB used the interference effect between the arms of the T. Its longer arm was turned toward the sound and the shorter one away from it. When in line with the sound, both arms received the sound wave, but for the sound to come through the away-facing arm it had to travel the length of the arm facing toward it, hit the nipple on the away tube, and travel back. The length of the arms was such that, at a particular sonic frequency, signals from both arms would positively reinforce most strongly if the device was pointing directly at the sound source. New London claimed that the device would eliminate much surrounding interference by, in effect, putting it out of focus.
The next step was a fixed array, the K-tube. Three microphones were arranged in a triangle, two being used simultaneously. Air lines compensated for the difference in time of arrival of sound at the two microphones; when the two earphones matched, the operator could read off the bearing of the sound. U.S. submarines used the Y-tube, a K-tube consisting of three rubber fish or "rats" (each containing a microphone) spaced 4 ft apart at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. G-l tested a triple K-tube on a spar overhanging her bow on 27 and 29 March 1918, and the Y-tube was adopted a month later. Submarines typically had deck and keel outfits (the latter for listening while surfaced), with one compensator that could be connected to either. General Electric produced 80 complete sets and 25 limited to deck installation (for use only when submerged).
New London's MV-series employed lines of 12 button microphones, along each side of a ship's keel, feeding a compensator that turned the beam electrically by changing the effective length of the line to each microphone. In WW I this technique was applied only to surface ships, but it was adapted to submarines postwar. The U.S. Navy abandoned it in shifting to supersonic sound in the 1930s. It was much the technique used by the Germans in their later array devices, however, and the U.S. Navy adopted it after 1945 as BQR-2 and -4.
By mid-1918, the British preferred the U.S. K-, SC-, and C-tubes to their own; many British submarines tended not to use their sound gear at all. U.S. submariners were impressed with the British fixed hydrophones (directional plates) inspired by the prewar Submarine Signal hydrophones, in which the vessel's hull insulated the port from the starboard plate. In June 1918, a U.S. officer suggested that new U.S. O-boats and R-boats be fitted experimentally with British hydrophones, but the war ended before that could be done.
To exploit their listening gear, U.S. submariners had to learn to stop underwater for an extended period, which they had never practiced in peacetime. Because the submarine was never exactly neutrally buoyant and also because the Irish Sea lacked density layers on which to float underwater, she could never stop completely for as long as desired. It proved easy to come very close to neutral buoyancy, however, by pumping in and out periodically to keep from rising or sinking too much. By 1918, the submariners considered noteworthy the fact that AL-I had remained for 6 hr at 65-80 ft with motors started for only 2 min (she used her ballast pump every 2-3 min).
In the early 1920s, the standard submarine outfit was an SC-tube and a Y-5 tube. Because of its hydrophone superiority, the postwar navy developed a pure listening attack. An S-boat would approach her target at slow speed (to avoid self-noise) at about 60 ft, listening with her Y-5 tube, and occasionally stopping or drifting. When nearer, the submarine could complete her approach using the more accurate fix from her SC-tube. She had to raise her periscope, if at all, only when ready to fire. In April 1923, a submarine officer told the Asiatic Fleet War College that, during a listening attack made the previous year, a submarine took 27 bearings with an average error of only 13/32 degrees (maximum 4 degrees). Listening attacks were largely discarded during the 1930s because they did not provide accurate range data. They reemerged late in the decade (in conjunction with single-ping sonars) as a way of avoiding air attack.

P.156 – 157.

In March 1920, one trainable SC or MB, one deck, and one keel Y-tubes were authorized for each submarine (no keel tube would be installed in any submarine on which work had not yet been done.) In November, BuEng suggested that the superior MV replace the Y-tube on board later (ultimately all) S-boats. T-boat MVs were canceled when they were laid up. SC installations were stopped early in 1921 in hopes that a better trainable device soon would be available (submarines without SC had the inferior Y-tube) but were resumed in February 1922 because there was no money for a new set. By that time, BuEng was working on "supersonics" (sonar). In January 1925, CinC U.S. Fleet drew up a standard sound outfit:
•supersonic outfit, including projector (19 in diameter), total 5,470 lb, for accurate short-range echo detection and ranging
• electric (MV) receiver, including compensator and blisters (2 ft x 14 ft), total 6,560 lb, possibly to be eliminated altogether
• rotatable receiver (MB or SC tube) for long-range detection, to replace MV if sufficiently developed
• oscillators for only V-4-V-6.
By June 1927, all U.S. submarines had 540-Hz oscillators and SC tubes. S-boats (except S-2, S-14-S-17) and V-1-V-4 all had MV. Older submarines and S-14-S-17 had Y-5 tubes (exceptions were O-1, O-2, R-10, R-13, R-17, and R-22, which had MV). Orders for replacement of Y-5 by MV had been issued to yards for S-14-S-17 and the remaining R-boats. Replacements in O-3, O-4, O-6-O-10, and S-2 had been authorized, but orders had not yet been issued. All decommissioned K-, L-, O-, and R-boats had Y-5. The new V-5 and V-6 were scheduled for supersonic and sonic equipment.

P. 347

During World War I, the U.S. Navy conducted a highly successful crash program to develop passive sonars. The upper photograph shows the three rubber rats of a Y tube; the lower, the paired rubber bulbs of an SC tube. The rubber-diaphragm rats, so named for their appearance, could house a variety of sensors. Because they were not tuned to a narrow resonant frequency, they could sense signal details useful for target classification (contemporary British hydrophones were narrowly tuned).
Both the SC tube and rats were devised in 1917. Rats were also used in the first towed line array, the U-3 Eel (24 rats with carbon-button microphones). In 1918 it was used in conjunction with an MV hull array for triangulation ranging. Work on steered passive arrays ended in 1923 with a decision to concentrate on active high-frequency ("supersonic") sonar, although an electro-acoustic version of the SC-tube did appear in 1928 (but it did not enter production). These photographs were taken aboard H-5 at San Pedro, California, about 1919.

P. 149

#2 14.09.2009 14:00:43

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Re: C-tube, Y-tube, K-tube и другие средства обнаружения и целеуказания для ПЛ и НК

Константин, огромное (без шуток) спасибо за ответ. Но это как предложить умирающему от жажды ведро морской воды с предложением дистилировать самостоятельно. Переводчики технический текст, а тем более с морской матерной терминологией, берут переводить в особо изврещенной форме. Ну не читаю я по английски, старую обезьяну не обучишь новым фокусам.

Я, не складываю крылья, а меняю стреловидность!
У них нет своего мозга? Или они потеряли инструкцию по его применению? (В.С.)
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