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#101 05.10.2012 19:39:39

Старшiй лейтенантъ
Сообщений: 2632

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Это в момент когда противник был впереди по курсу и на противоартиллерийском зигзаге? Тогда просто залп разделялся на два, одну часть выстреливали 15 делениями вправо, вторую влево от генерального курса противника.

#102 05.10.2012 20:49:24

Откуда: Киев
destroyer HMS Acasta
Сообщений: 6972

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Serg написал:

Оригинальное сообщение #604039
Это в момент когда противник был впереди по курсу и на противоартиллерийском зигзаге?

Да, этот самый момент. Спасибо за разъяснение.

Если встретите более слабого противника - нападайте, если равного по силам - нападайте, если более сильного - все равно нападайте!

#103 10.10.2012 14:39:24

Откуда: Киев
destroyer HMS Acasta
Сообщений: 6972

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Помница, где-то на форуме есть описания повреждений немецких кораблей в этом бою.

Если встретите более слабого противника - нападайте, если равного по силам - нападайте, если более сильного - все равно нападайте!

#104 11.10.2012 16:19:36

Откуда: Киев
destroyer HMS Acasta
Сообщений: 6972

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Уф! Перевел, отфильтровал, но так и не понял, где и по какой причине на "Ринауне" рвануло так, что повылетали водонепроницаемая дверь в каземат и обе двери ангара.

Если встретите более слабого противника - нападайте, если равного по силам - нападайте, если более сильного - все равно нападайте!

#105 29.02.2020 09:51:58

Предсказатель-апокалиптолог 6-го разряда
Сообщений: 19761

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Renown's Action Report vs Scharnhorst and Gneisenau - April 9, 1940

H.M.S. RENOWN was cruising at about 18 knots off Lofoten Islands (Northern Norwegian Coast), on the morning on 9th April, 1940. The sea was very rough; during the night there had been a full gale from the North East with heavy and frequent snow storms. At about 0400 there was a temporary and local area of clear vision, and at about 18,000 yds. range RENOWN sighted a large war vessel. At first this was thought to be REPULSE, but it was quickly ascertained to be the German battleship SCHARNHORST. It was then observed that she had in company with her a vessel assumed to be the German cruiser HIPPER (turned out to be GNEISENAU). Up to this time it is thought that the German ships had not seen RENOWN. The latter opened fire at a range of 18,000 yds. and on a bearing of approximately Green 90; it was about 4 mins. later that SCHARNHORST opened fire. Her first salvo fell "short", the second fell "over", and the third straddled. This salvo caused the hit a the after end of RENOWN, and probably also the hit on her Mast, although it is possible that the latter may have been one of the shell in SCHARNHORST's second salvo, which fell "over".
RENOWN had also straddled SCHARNHORST with her third salvo of 15". The first direct 15" hit observed on SCHARNHORST was at the base of her bridge structure. A large column of smoke was seen to rise, and immediately SCHARNHORST stopped firing. Very soon after another 15" hit was observed on SCHARNHORST just abaft the funnel, which gave rise to a large column of smoke. Immediately after this hit, SCHARNHORST turned away, whilst HIPPER crossed her stern and laid a smoke screen. RENOWN then shifted target to HIPPER, who turned away as soon as the first salvo was fired. Both enemy ships withdrew at high speed to the North-East. RENOWN followed. Some time later SCHARNHORST fired her after turret, obviously in local control.
In addition to the two definite hits on SCHARNHORST, there is a strong probability of a third and fourth, and a possibility of yet a fifth. Although no flash or smoke was seen there were missing splashes from salvos when it was known all guns had fired.
The firing on both sides was very intermittent, on account of the weather conditions: there was a continuous succession of extremely heavy snow storms which completely obliterated the targets.
During the course of the action, and particularly when it was seen that the enemy was retreating, RENOWN worked up to full speed. The sea was, however, so rough that it was necessary to ease the speed. In addition to violent motion, and working of the ship it was quite impossible to fight her under these conditions, as the target was ahead and into the sea. "A" and "B" turrets were completely washed down, and pumps had to be worked continually, but even so there was much water in the working chambers. Spray was being thrown well over the D.C.T. and rangefinders were useless. It was only by organizing relays of cleaners that officers" binoculars could be kept serviceable.
In a snow storm of relatively long duration both enemy ships escaped.
Throughout the action RENOWN fired her 4.5" H.A./L.A, but there is no reliably records of any hits being obtained.
RENOWN fired approximately 240 rounds of 15" A.P.C. and about 800 rounds of 4.5". Both German ships were firing rapidly whenever they were able. Details of the hits obtained on RENOWN are given in detail in this report.
The total effect upon her fighting efficiency was almost negligible. She had suffered a certain amount of damage from her own gun blast, and from exceptionally heavy weather conditions
(this is described briefly in the Appendix), but was able to proceed at full speed two days after the action to the succour of another vessel. She remained at sea until 18th April.
The action damage sustained was so small that no important structural general lessons can be learned, but the hit on the mast is considered to demonstrate the value of tripod masts. Under the conditions ruling, a single mast would have most certainly collapsed with possibly serious consequences to the fighting of the ship.

Dear God, be good to me;
The sea is so wide,
And my boat is so small.

#106 02.03.2020 11:02:08


Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

РыбаКит написал:

The latter opened fire at a range of 18,000 yds.... RENOWN had also straddled SCHARNHORST with her third salvo of 15".

Ну ладно, "Шарнхорст", но 18000 ярдов - это близко к предельной дальности английских 15". И накрыли 3-м залпом - молодцы!

#107 02.03.2020 11:31:01

Prinz Eugen
Рядовой запаса
KMS Schwere Kreuzer Prinz Eugen
Сообщений: 24256

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

smax написал:

Ну ладно, "Шарнхорст", но 18000 ярдов - это близко к предельной дальности английских 15". И накрыли 3-м залпом - молодцы!

Простите, но я как-то думал, что у 15" дальность была 163 кабельтова при стрельбе "гринбоями".

...it is inadvisable to drive men beyond a certain point...
ABC, may 1941
...неразумно злоупотреблять долготерпением людей...
Эндрю Браун Каннингэм, май 1941

#108 02.03.2020 13:49:52


Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Prinz Eugen написал:

Простите, но я как-то думал, что у 15" дальность была 163 кабельтова при стрельбе "гринбоями".

Насколько я понял то, что написано в http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNBR_15-42_mk1.php
Максимальный угол возвышения на Ринауне - 20 градусов
На Ринауне в WW2 были не "гринбои" - Mark IIIa (4crh) 866.4 kg, а более тяжелые снаряды - Mark XVIIb (6crh) 879 kg.

При этом дальность

Using 1,938 lbs. (879 kg) 6crh AP Shell
MV of 2,400 fps (732 mps) using SC standard charges
19.2 degrees     25,000 yards (22,860 m)

Для "суперзаряда" - да:

Using 1,938 lbs. (879 kg) 6crh AP Shell
MV of 2,575 fps (785 mps) using SC super charges
20.0 degrees     28,732 yards (26,273 m)

Но написано, что "Суперзаряды" выдали только в конце 1941 и даже после этого на кораблях они никогда не применялись, а только в береговой артиллерии

#109 05.03.2020 00:52:03

Откуда: Киев
destroyer HMS Acasta
Сообщений: 6972

Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

smax написал:

Максимальный угол возвышения на Ринауне - 20 градусов

Нет. "Ринаун" в 1937-38 гг.. прошел капитальную модернизацию.

1 9 3 7  t o  1 9 3 8

Refit work included :

15in Turrets were modified to increase the elevation from 20¼ to 30¼.
Bridge structure redesigned similar to that fitted in NELSON and RODNEY.
Entire secondary armament replaced by ten twin 4.5in HA mountings for air defence.
Three 8 barrelled 2 pounder Pom-Poms were fitted to improve her close range air defence.
New gunnery control systems were fitted AFCC Mk VII for the main battery and HACS Mk IV for the 4.5in HA.
Two quadruple, deck mounted torpedo tubes fitted in place of the two submerged tubes.
Limited improvement of armour protection, 4in over the magazines and 2in over the engine rooms.
The 42 Babcock and Wilcox boilers in 6 boiler rooms with 285 psi working pressure were replaced by 8 Admiralty 3 drum type with 400 psi working pressure in 4 boiler rooms. This saved 2500 tons in weight.
The two Brown Curtis direct drive turbines were replaced by two Parsons single reduction geared turbines supplied by Cammell Laird.
These changes increased SHP from 112,000 to 120,000.
Some of the space saved by reducing the number of boilers was used to increase fuel storage and thus increase her range.
Aircraft catapult replaced with Hangar for stowage and maintenance.

http://www.naval-history.net/xGM-Chrono … Renown.htm

Так что кидался чемоданами он миль этак на 15. Иначе в бою с итальянцами у мыса Теулада он был бы не звездой, а статистом.

Если встретите более слабого противника - нападайте, если равного по силам - нападайте, если более сильного - все равно нападайте!

#110 05.03.2020 11:07:41


Re: Бой у Лофотенских островов. Взгляд брюнетки.

Но накрытие 3-м залпом - это все равно хорошо.

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