На Джакаре есть некоторое количество соответствующих документов на европейских языках, преимущественно на английском. К сожалению, всё в формате DJVU. Для интересующихся темой выкладываю тексты самого Договора продажи крейсеров и Договор перегонки крейсеров в Японию.
Договор продажи крейсеров. На английском.
Спойлер :
D E E D OF SALE made this Thirtieth day of December One thousand nine hundred and three BETWEEN HIS EXCELLENCY THE ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC AT THE COURT OF ST. JAMES acting for and behalf of The Government of the Argentine Republic hereinafter called Argentine Minister of the first part. The Firm of MESSRS. ANTONY GIBBS & SONS of the City of London England Merchants herein represented by THE HONOURABLE HERBERT COKAYNE GIBBS a partner in the said Firm hereinafter called the Firm of the second part and THE ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY OF THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN acting for and on behalf of the Government of the Empire hereinafter called the Japanese Minister of the third part. WHEREAS by an Instrument hereinafter called the Building Contract dated Twenty third December One thousand nine hundred and one and made between Argentine Republic of the one part Messrs.Gio Ansaldo & Company of Genoa in the Kingdon of Italy hereinafter called the Builder of the other part the Builder agreed to construct and equip and the Argentine Government agreed to purchase two Twin Screw Armoured Cruisers hereinafter called the “Moreno” and the “Rivadavia” in accordance with the drawings specifications and schedules attached or referred to in the said Contract and for the price and subject to all the conditions and terms in Building Contract contained AND WHEREAS by the Building Contract the Builder agreed to effect the insurance therein mentioned for the benefit of the Argentine Government AND WHEREAS all the instalments of the said price due at this date under the building Contract have been paid by the Argentine Minister to the Builder and the final instalment amounting to Six million francs with such additions if any and subject to such deductions if any as may have been sanctioned in writing by the Argentine Minister since the date of the Building Contract will become payable on the due completion of the said ships AND WHEREAS the Argentine Minister recently agreed with the Firm to make the assignment hereinafter contained to the Firm or their nominees for the considerations hereinafter appearing and shortly afterwards the Firm agreed with the Japanese Minister in consideration of the sum of Thirty thousand pounds to procure the said assignment to be made to the Japanese Minister NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that the Argentine Minister in consideration of the sum of One hundred and fifty thousand pounds paid to him by the Japanese Minister on or before the execution of these presents and of the payments to be made to him by the Japanese Minister in accordance with the provisions of these presents transfers and assigns to the Japanese Minister at the request of the Firm and the Firm in consideration of the sum of Three thousand pounds paid to them by the Japanese Minister on or before the execution of these presents and of the sum of Twenty seven thousand pounds to be paid to them by the Japanese Minister as hereinafet mentioned hereby ratifies and confirms to the Japanese Minister. FIRST: The Two Twin Screw Armoured Cruisers “Moreno” and “Rivadavia” with their respective Engines Boilers Machinery Armament Fittings appurtenances Sails Boats Stores Spare Gear and furnishings as the same have been or now are in course of being constructed by the Builder in accordance with the Builder’s Contract and all plans models drawings certificates and statistics now in the possession of the Argentine Minister or to which he may be entitled under the Builders Contract including all additions if any but subject to all deduction if any heretofore sanctioned in writing by the Argentine Minister. SECONDLY: The full benefit of all guarantees if any on the part of the Builder with regard to the proper and efficient working of the said ships and their said respective armament engines boilers machinery fittings and appurtenances. THIRDLY: The Policy or Policies of Insurances against any risks whatsoever which have been effected by the Builder or otherwise for the benefit of the Argentine Minister. LASTLY: All other rights claims suits or demands whatsoever arising out of or by virtue of the Building Contract. TO HOLD the premises hereby assigned unto the Japanese Minister absolutely. THE total consideration for the assignment herein contained is the sum of One million five hundred thousand pounds of which the Japanese Minister has paid as aforesaid to the Argentine Minister upon the execution of these presents the sum of One hundred and fifty thousand pounds and in respect of the balance videlicet ONE million three hundred and fifty thousand pounds the Japanese Minister has deposited with the Argentine Minister credits for that amount with The Union of London & Smiths Bank Limited Parrs Bank Limited and The London Joint Stock Bank Limited all of London which shall be payable in cash when and so soon as the Argentine Minister has procured and delivered to the Japanese Minister an unconditional undertaking signed by the Builder that the ships as they now exist and whether completed or not are so far as the Argentine Minister and the Builder are concerned at the absolute disposal of the Japanese Minister free from any lien or liability for further payments to the Builder which undertaking shall be delivered to the Japanese Minister on or before the seventh January One thousand nine hundred and four or in the alternative at the option of the Argentine Minister an undertaking signed by the Builder that the ships as they now exist and whether completed or not are so far as the Argentine Minister and the Builder are concerned at the absulote disposal of the Japanese Minister free from any lien or liability for further payments to the Builder except the sum of Six million francs and no more which sum the Japanese Minister shall forthwith pay to the Builder and in such case the Japanese Minister shall be entitled to deduct the actual sterling equivalent thereof from the said sum of One million three hundred and fifty thousand pounds. UPON obtaining the said unconditional undertaking the Argentine Minister shall use his best efforst to arrange with the Builder for the retention of an adequate sum to secure the due execution by the Builder of any work required to be done to complete the said ships and the fulfilment of all guarantees on the part of the Builder with regard to the proper and efficient working of the said ships and their respective Engines Boilers Machinery and fittings including Armament Ammunition if any and all other equipment in accordance with the provisions of the Building Contract and the Japanese Minister shall be at liberty to deduct from the sum payable by him to Argentine Minister on delivery of the said undertaking the amount so retained and shall in due course pay over the same to the Builder if and when he is entitled thereto and upon and subject to the conditions herein contained the Japanese Minister hereby indemnifies the Argentine Minister against all claims suits and demands whatsoever of the Builder arising out of or in anywise connected with the Building Contract. CONTEMPORANEOUSLY with the payment by the Japanese Minister to the Argentine Minister of the said sum of One million three hundred and fifty thousand pounds (less such retention if any as aforesaid) the Japanese Minister will pay to the Firm in cash the sum of Twenty seven thousand pounds which with the Sum of Three thousand pounds already paid to the Firm makes in the whole the said sum of Thirty thousand pounds. THE Argentine Minister will obtain and forwith hand over in Genoa to the Representative of the Japanese Minister all Policies of Insurance books papers specifications plans drawings models certificates statistics and other information relating to the construction equipment and trials of the said ships and their appurtenances heretofore in the possession of the Argentine Minister or of the Argentine Government or of any officer surveyor or expert employed by them in connection with the construction equipment and trials of the said ships and will upon the request of the Japanese Minister do all such acts matters and things asshall be reasonably required by the Japanese Minister for the purpose of placing the Japanese Minister in full possession and enjoyment of the premises hereinbefore assigned. AND LASTLY IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND AGREED that neither the Argentine Minister nor the Firm shall be in any way responsible for any delays or difficulties which may interfere with or hander the physical possession of or dealing with the said ships by the Japanese Minister arising from any action or intervention on the part of the Italien Government. IN WITNESS whereof the several parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Witness Signed by Thomas. W. Bischr, FLORAICIO L. DOMINGUEY 4 Great Winchester Street, HERBERT. C. GIBES. London-Solicitor. TADASU HAYASHI.
Договор перегонки крейсеров. На английском.
Спойлер :
Elswick Works Newcastle-on-Tyne 31 December 1903. CONTRACT between Captain Tamari I.J.N. Navale Attache to Japanese Legation London representing the Imperial Japanese Government and Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitwort & Co., Limited. 1. The Government having purchased the two armoured Cruisers hitherto known as the “Rivadavia” and “Moreno” (but now respectively named the “Kasuga” and “Nisshin”) fully equipped will forthwith hand them over to the representative of the Contractors as Genoa ready for sea. 2. The Contractors will forthwith provide at their own expense duly qualified Masters and Officers and a sufficient complement of Engineers and men to navigate the ships out to a Japanese Port but they shall incur no personal responsibilities in respect of their acts neglects or defaults. 3. The Contractors will provide the necessary coal and consumable stores as well as the necessary messtraps bedding &c. for the voyage to Japan. Any coal remaining on board at the end of the voyage is to be purchased by the Government from the Contractors at the price of coal similar quality current at the Japanese Port at the time. All other stores remaining on board when the ship is handed over to the Japanese Authorities to become the property of the Government without further payment. 4. The Contractors shall dispatch the ships from Genoa as soon as possible with orders to proceed to an Italian Port as ordered by the Government to load their explosives (which the Government undertake shall be ready) and to then proceed through the Suez Canal calling at such ports only as may be necessary for coaling or owing to stress of weather. 5. The Masters are further to be instructed that the best coal procurable is always to be shipped and that the vessels shall maintain as far as possible a speed exceeding 15 knots an hour. 6. The Japanese Government shall be represented by Japanese Officers appointed by the Government to each ship who shall mess as the Guests of the respective Captains but they shall not take any part in the navigation or in the discipline of the crew unless any international questi on shall arise in which case their authority shall supersede that of the respective Captains who shall thereafter be freed from all further responsibility. 7. The Contractors shall at their own costs on behalf of the Government insure the respective ships their armaments and stores against the usual marine risks (excluding war risks) in the sum of £750,000 each. 8. The Contractors will pay the cost of adjusting the Compasses before sailing and all pilotage canal and port dues during the voyage. 9. The Masters of the respective ships shall be instructed on arrival at any port to report such arrival and probabl date of sailing by cable to the Minister of Marine in Japan. If both ships arrive together one cable only shall be sent the Contractors shall pay the cost of such cables. 10. If required by the Japanese Officer on board the respective ships such ship shall be navigated to a port in Formosa instead of in Japan and after arrival at such port shall be deemed to have been duly delivered under this Contract. 11. For the consideration aforesaid the Government shall pay to the Contractors absolutely and without recourse the sum of £100,000 in the following instalments £75,000 on the signing hereof, £10,000 on the sailing of the vessels from Genoa £5,000 after they shall have passed the Suez Canal and £5,000 for each ship on loss or arrival or when the Japanese Officer on board shall supersede the Captain as hereinbefore provided.
(Signed) C. TAMARI, I.J.N., Naval Attache (Signed) SIR. W. G. ARMSTRONG. WHITWORTH & CO., LTD.
Re: Документы по покупке и перегону Ниссина и Кассуги
Странно, но почему то с японцами контракт на аргентинские корабли, строившиеся в Италии, заключала компания Армстронг и Уитверт Лтд., хотя с русскими о них разговоры вели итальянцы.
Re: Документы по покупке и перегону Ниссина и Кассуги
rummer59 написал:
#948714 Странно, но почему то с японцами контракт на аргентинские корабли, строившиеся в Италии, заключала компания Армстронг и Уитверт Лтд., хотя с русскими о них разговоры вели итальянцы.
Что удивляться Япония была полуколонией Британии. Специально созданой для войны с Россией.
Re: Документы по покупке и перегону Ниссина и Кассуги
rummer59 написал:
#948714 Странно, но почему то с японцами контракт на аргентинские корабли, строившиеся в Италии, заключала компания Армстронг и Уитверт Лтд., хотя с русскими о них разговоры вели итальянцы.
Если правильно понял из других документов, то английская компания - посредник/доверенное лицо итальянцев.
Re: Документы по покупке и перегону Ниссина и Кассуги
rummer59 написал:
#948714 но почему то с японцами контракт на аргентинские корабли, строившиеся в Италии, заключала компания Армстронг и Уитверт Лтд., хотя с русскими о них разговоры вели итальянцы.
Это контракт на перегон крейсеров из Италии в Японию, правительство Японии платит Sir W.G. Armstrong только за "логистические услуги" по доставке приобретенного товара покупателю.
Re: Документы по покупке и перегону Ниссина и Кассуги
"В мозгу обезьяны родилась идея"
Тупой вопрос: с каким боекомплектом перегонялись "гарибальдийцы"? В смысле: были их снаряды снаряжены по-итальянски, по-английски, по-аргентински или по-японски?
Вообще то "Ансальдо" все еще формально оставалась филиалом "Армстронга". Итальянцы по какой-то причине очень не хотели, чтобы корабли совершали переход под их флагом.
Отредактированно Алекс (31.08.2022 11:08:54)
Лучше быть хорошим любителем, чем посредственным профессионалом Друзьям раздайте по ружью, и дураки переведутся