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The Capture of the Russian Destroyer Rechtelsin.
Wanganui Herald, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 11331, 13 August 1904, Page 5
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The Capture of the Russian Destroyer Rechtelsin.
Likely to Lead to International Complications.
British and German Warships
on the Move-
Reported Capture of Two Russian Torpedoers.
Tsarevitch Believed to have
been Sunk.
Part of Russian Fleet Re-enter
Port Arthur.
Received August 13, 8.55 a.m. LONDON, August 12. The Japanese sent a lieutenant to ask the Rechtelsin to come out and fight. Captain Rostchakovski gripped him and sprang overboard with him. Both were nearly drowned. Rostchakovski was wounded.
There is much- comment at the inactivity of the Chinese when the Rechtelsin was seized, i
It is believed international complications will follow Japan's violation of the laws governing a neutral • port.
The Furst Bismarck, the German flagship, hurriedly left Chefoo for Taingtao, and the -Thetis, a British cruiser follows.
It is reported at Chefoo that the Japanese captured two torpedoers off the Chinese coast.
Admiral Togo reports that he believes the Tsarevitch was sunk.
[The Tsarcvitch is a battleship of 13,000 tons, 64 guns, and 800 men.] Reuter states that a destroyer and four Russian battleships are off Saddle Island, Shanghai.
The Japanese Legation in London states that five battleships, one cruiser, and a ■ hospital ship appeared to regain Port Arthur on Thursday. Our fleet is believed to be undamaged.
Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 39, 15 August 1904, Page 5
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LONDON, 14th August. Commander Fujirnale, remembering the disregard of the laws of war manifested by the Russian gunboat Sivoutch at Niuchwang, aud presuming that tho twentyfour hours' limit had expired, concluded that he was entitled to fight or capture tho llechilclin. Ho sent a lieutenant to toll Captain Rostchakovski that he must fight in the open or bo towed out. CnpUiiji Uostchnkovski, ho slates, privately ordered gunpowder, and arranged to blow up everything, and threw himself on the lieutenant. Both fell overboard, and the tight extended to the sailors. Several fell overboard when struggling, and somo perished. Captain Rostchakovrici's mission to Chofoo was important, as he burned tho ship's papers before tho Japanese arrived. Germany and Franco support Russia's protect to the Pekin Government in regard to the capture of tho Hcchitclin by tho Japanese from Chefoo Harbour.
Colonist, Volume XLVI, Issue 11105, 15 August 1904, Page 3
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Received August 15, 12. a.m
Commander Fujimote, remembering the Russsian gunboat Sivoutch's disregard of the laws of war at Niuchwang, and presuming as the 24 hours' limit had expired that he was entitled to fight or capture the Rechitelin, sent a lieutenant to tell Captain Rotchakovski that he must fight in the open or be towed out. Captain Rostchkovski privately ordered gunpowder arranged to blow up everything, and threw himself on the lieutenant. Both fell overboard, and the fight extended to the sailors. Several fell overboard struggling, and some perished. Captain Rostchakovki's mission to" Chifu was important, but he burned the papers before the Japanese arrived.
The Rechtelsin Incident.
Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXXXVII, Issue 12280, 15 August 1904, Page 5
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The Rechtelsin Incident.
United Press . Association —Copyright
: LONDON, Augiist 12. The Japanese vseoit a lientenant to ask tha Rechtelsin to come out and fight. Captain Rostchakovski gripped,hini arid sprang overboard with him. Both were nearly drowned. Rostchakovski was wounded. There is much comment at the inactivity of th-a Chinese when the Rechtelsin was seized. ■' It is believed international complications will.follow Japan's violation of the law goFemitng a neutral port. ' The Furs? Bismarck y the German flagship, hurriedly left Chefoo for Taingtoa, and the Thetis, a British cruiser, follows. ■'•■'•■.'.■ It is reported at Chef6o that the Japanesa captured two torpedoers oif the Chinese coast. Admiral Togo reports that he believes the Tsarevitch was sunk. [The Tsarevitch is a battleship of 13,000 tons, 64 guns/ and 800 men.] J
!... Renter's states that a destroyer and four Russian battleships are off Saddle Island, Shanghai. '
The Japanese Legation in London states that five battleships, one cruiser, and a hospital ship appeared to regain Poit Arthur, on Tliui^day.
Our fleet is"believed to be undamaged. LONDON, August 12. Two of the Volunteer Fleet have passed .the
Evening Post, Volume LXVIII, Issue 40, 16 August 1904, Page 5
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JAPANESE OFFICIAL REPORT! (Received August 16, 8.11 a.m.) LONDON, 15th August. Tho official report published in Tokio states that the destroyer!! Asahio (uid JCtwumi, under the command o£ Captain Fujimolo, Mcro ordered to searqh for the enemy's ships which hud been scattered oq the 10th inst. The Japanese boats found a destroyer, but lost her in the darkness. It was afterwards discovered that she had cnterod Chefoo, and the Japanese* destroyers waited outside. As the IluBfciun boat failed to leave, Captain Fujimoto, anticipating that tdie would escnpe during the night and possibly attncK meixihantmen, enUired tho h&rboui 1 and found tho ltochibclin (Still undistuiaed. A message was sent that 1 she must quit at dawn or surrender. I During tho parley a quarrel arose and I a magazine in the forepart of the Kuesuin destroyer exploded, killing and wounding aovcral Japanese. Tho destroyer was then captured.
Capture of the Rechitclin.
Wairarapa Daily Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 7822, 16 August 1904, Page 5
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Capture of the Rechitclin.
How it Came about.
Japanese Destroyers Searching
for Russian Ships.
Waiting for Their Quarry Out-
side Chefoo.
Magazine Explosion
Elleged Breach ot Neutrality on Part of Russian Naval Captain.
(Received To-day, at 8.11 a.m.)
London, Last Night.
The official report, published at Tokio, states that the Japanese destroyers, Asahio and Kasutni, under command of Commander Fujimoto, were ordered to search for the enemy's ships. They scattered, and on the 10th found a Russian destroyer, but losl her in the darkness. They discovered that she had entered Chefoo. The Japanese destroyers waited outside, and as the Russian destroyer failed to leave, Commander Fujimoto, anticipating that she would escape in the night and possibly attack merchantmen, entered the port and found the Rechitclin still not disarmed. A message was sent on board that she must quit at dawn or surrender. During the parley a quarrel arose, and the magazine forward exploded, killing and wounding several Japanese. The destroyer was then captured. The Daily Telegraph says the fact of Captain Rostchakovski cabling despatches from a Chinese port is considered in some circles a gross breach of neutrality.
"Further particulars of the remarkable incident at Chefoo, in which a Japanese officer was thrown overboard, are sent by the special correspondent of the Asahi. It appears that an officer of the destroyer " Asashio " visited the " Retshi-telny " and informed the Commander that the Japanese boats had come under orders to attack the Russians and had been waiting outside the harbour. As the destroyer did not venture out, the Japanese boats had been obliged to enter the harbour. The officer then requested the Commander to put to sea or surrender. To this the Russian officer replied that his boat was in a neutral port and already disarmed, as witnessed by the Chinese Admiral. He added that the engine of his boat was out of order, and she could not develop more than eight knots. Thus the destroyer had no fighting power, and it was impossible for him to go out of the harbour. The officer said the Japanese were not entitled to question him. Thereupon the Japanese officer invited the Commander to visit the " Asashio " and see the Japanese Commander. At first the Russian officer refused, but afterwards consented on condition that the Japanese officer should return to his ship, and he (the Commander) would follow later. The Japanese officer then repeated his request, and demanded to be allowed to examine the Russian boat to ascertain to what extent she had been disarmed. This demand was refused, the Commander referring the Japanese officer to the Chinese Admiral. Eventually, however, the Russian officer again gave way, and the officer of the " Asashio " and his interpreter proceeded to examine the armament. When the former was again on deck at the conclusion of this examination, the Commander suddenly laid hold of the Japanese officer and both fell into the water together, while another Russian officer pushed the interpreter overboard. At this the Japanese sailors, who were waiting in the boat, boarded the " Retshitelny," when the Russian sailors jumped overboard one and another; and while the Japanese T, trying to rescue the Russians in water, an explosion was heard on board. It was then 3.25 o'clock. The sc resembled the report of a gun. Sn and flame rose, and the vessels in harbour thought the Russian boat war fire. The explosion was caused by Russians having set fire to the po' magazine. The " Asashio " took ch of the " Retshitelny " together with t sailors who remained on board, and Chefoo at 4 o'clock in the afterr taking the prize in tow, the other Japanese destroyer following. The Russ who jumped into the water refused assistance of the Japanese, and swa the shore or to the nearest vessels."