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#26 14.08.2009 13:38:22

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).



No 237.
    German Minister to Japan privately and confidently informed me that disarmament the Governor of Tsingtau inf telegraphed me him that disarmament of Czarewitch and three Russian destroyers in Kiaochow had been completed in the morning of August 15th.

Midzuno Chefoo 116
    ditto (omitting Gokoshi + adding "Transmit Uchida")
Hayashi Seoul 337
    ditto (omitting Gokoshi)

Sent Aug 15th 1904 11 p.m.

#27 14.08.2009 13:44:30

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Chefoo, August 16th 1904. 5 a.m.
Received, 8-50 a.m.


No. 343. It is reported that there are 3 Japanese prisoners on board Czarewitch at Tsingtao. This coincides with what I was informed previously about Japanese prisoners at Port Arthur. I suggest Japanese Govt. should take immediate steps to ascertain officially if this was the case, and if so take further steps at once.
    The above telegraphed to Uchida.


#28 14.08.2009 14:16:25

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Chefoo, Aug. 16 1904. 5 a.m.
Received, 8-57 a.m.


No. 344. It is reported from Tsingtao that junk arrived there from [] coast and stated that a big Russian ship was there August 14th. This is probably Novik.
    Telegraphed to Minister Uchida and Consul General Odagiri.


#29 14.08.2009 14:29:20

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Aug. 15 1904. 7-40 p.m.
Received, Aug. 16, 2-10 p.m.


No. 335. ( Old code. )
    Lokal Anzeiger, in commenting on recent events in Kiaochow, states that the fact that Russian ships are being disarmed will now prove thoroughly Correct attitude of German Govt. in this difficult situation and malicious critics will no longer dare to find fault with it.  Although it was emphasized from the beginning that Germany would proceed in strict accordance with her neutrality, suspicious people hastened to criticise measures of the Governor of Kiaochow, before they were known. That the Japanese papers at this serious moment followed the events in Kiaochow with special interest is only natural, but they ought to have kept back their attacks against Germany, so long as they had not seen accomplished facts.  They will now have to acknowledge that they were too hasty in judging and it is to be hoped that public opinion in Japan will soon calm down again.
    Other newpapers also comment more or less in the same strain.


#30 14.08.2009 14:43:13

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Aug. 15 1904. 5-55 p.m.
Received, Aug. 16, 3-55 p.m.


No. 334. I saw Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs August 15th and carried out your telegraphic instructions 233. He said that he was glad to hear that Japanese Govt. were now satisfied with the settlement of the affair and hoped that such incident might not occur again. He had received telegraphic information that the Russian ships at Kiaochow had already began to disarm and in this connection, he said that he would like to be informed of the actual proceedings which took place in regard to officers and men of the Varyag after the latter was sunk, for German Govt. had not yet decided as to what course they would take. In regard to those officers and men of the Russian ships now about to be disarmed at Kiaochow, he thought that the officers would probably be allowed to return on their giving word of honour not to take up arms again, but the question of the men was undecided.  I hope you will therefore telegraph me facts regarding the above. Acting Minister told me that he had received telegram from Peking to the effect that British Minister to China is stated to have said in the course of conversation that British Govt. had decided to close port of Wei-hai-wei to the ships of the belligerent Powers, and as he asked me if I knew anything, I hope you will also telegraph me information if any. In reply to my inquiry, Acting Minister said that, although there was some intention of issuing regulations concerning belligerent  ships,  yet the idea has been given up, as it has never been customary in practice of German Govt.


#31 14.08.2009 14:52:41

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Sent, August 16th 1904. 10.45 a.m.


No. 238.
    Consul Midzuno telegraphed August 16th as follows:-
        (No. 343, omitting the phrase "the above telegraphed to Uchida")


#32 14.08.2009 14:57:44

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Sent, Aug. 16 1904. 6 p.m.


№ 240.
    In reference to my telegram № 238. you will ask the German Minister for Foreign Affairs to cause the Governor of Kiaochow to investigate the matter and inform us of its result.


Отредактированно vs18 (14.08.2009 15:43:26)

#33 14.08.2009 15:09:44

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Sent, Aug. 17 1904. 2.50 p.m.


    No. 241. In reference to your telegram 334, as for the survivors from Varyag the Imperial Government out of special consideration consented to their being sent home upon parole.  According to subsequent information however some of these survivors are said to have come back again to the East to partake in naval warfare. Consequently it is the desire of the Imperial Government that in the case of the Russian ships how taking refuge in Kiao-chow the German Government would decide to keep officers and men interned in Tsingtao during continuance of war. As for the report about closure of Wei-hai-wei it is true that the British Government made communication to the effect that belligerent ships should not make use of Wei-hai-wei and ships of either belligerent which enter in spite of the warning enter harbour or territorial waters of that place will be at once interned without option of leaving within 24 hours and will be detained on custody during war.


#34 14.08.2009 15:35:20

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).



242. When it became known that some of Russian ships took refuge in the port of Tsingtao in consequence of the naval engagement of the 10th Inst. Admiral Togo immediately detached a squadron of cruisers and torpedo destroyers to cruise along the coast of Shantung in view of the possible exit of the Russian ships from the German port. On the 16th Inst. a torpedo destroyer belonging to the squadron entered the port of Tsingtao when it learned for the first time of the disarmament of the Russian ships at the hands of the Tsingtao authorities which the [precluded the] possibility of the Russian ships going out of the port no longer existing [and thereupon] the whole squadron withdrew from the Shantung coast.
As it is feared that the movement of the squadron might be interpreted as a demonstration against the German authorities, you will see acting Minister for F.A. at an early opportunity and explain the matter in the above sense, and express the hope of the Japanese Govt that the German Govt will not construe it in the light of demonstration as such has never been the intention of the of the Japanese Govt.
The movement of the squadron being merely a precautionary measure taken by the Admiral against the Russian ships which might have gone out of the port.


Sent, Aug. 17th 1904 9.45 p.m.

#35 14.08.2009 15:50:49

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, August 17th 1904. 7.50 p.m.
Received, August 18th, 11.45 a.m.

No.  338.
    In reference to your telegram 241, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs August 17th said that he would  immediately communicate the desire of the Japanese  Government to  the Chancellor of the Empire. German Government had through the German Minister in Japan also asked  if Japanese  Government had any objection to  the Russian officers being sent home on parole, As as the Governor of Kiaochow had reported  it was rather difficult to keep them there but Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs would consider my communication as the  reply of Japanese Government on the matter.
    He  thanked me for the  information about the closure  of Wei-Hai-Wei which he thought was very strict and [going] beyond usual rule.
    Concerning your telegram 240, Acting Minister has already caused competent marine authorities to investigate and report.


#36 14.08.2009 15:59:22

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Aug. 18 1904 11-30 p.m.
Received, Aug. 19 5-15 p.m.

No. 340. In reference to your telegram 242, I saw Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs August 18th who, in thanking me for the communication, said that German Govt. had not  entertained any such feeling as apprehended by Japanese Govt. Press had also not written anything disagreeable against movement of Japanese  squadron off the Shangtung coast. Even if there should have been any unpleasant interpretation of the incident, explanation offered by me would be fully sufficient  to  smooth matters. German Govt. had only received a short telegram from Governor of Kiaochow, reporting entry of the Japanese torpedo destroyer and what  took place, and that every thing had passed off in a correct manner.


#37 14.08.2009 16:03:55

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Aug. 21 1904. 1-45 p.m.
Received, Aug. 22 3-40 a.m.

No. 343. In reference to your telegram 240, I am just in receipt of reply that according to telegraphic information of the Governor of Kiaochow, there are no Japanese prisoners on "board Russian ships in the port of Tsingtau.


#38 14.08.2009 16:15:12

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Augt. 23 1904. 6.30 p.m.
Received, Aug. 24 3.0 p.m.

No. 347. In the course of conversation Augt. 23rd Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs told me that in regard to Russian now interned at Kiauchou, it was desire of German Government to know whether the Japanese Government had any objection to an exchange of prisoners taking place, as they had heard that Russian had also a number of Japanese prisoners; should this not be agreeable, whether the Japanese Government would consent to Russian officers and men being transported and kept in some place in Germany as also provided for in the Hague Convention. Asking [Reason] of German Government asking above was owing to difficulty in keeping Russians interned at Kiauchou, Germany's present force stationed there being only about the same number of men as the Russian prisoners. German Minister in Tokio had already been instructed to ascertain views of Japanese Government as to the above points. Acting Minister further said that according to report from German Consul at Shanghai, it appealed that the foreign consuls had decided to leave the matter of Russian ships there to be dealt with by the Chinese Government, and expressed some doubts as to the advisability of such a step, for the limit of time allowed to disabled ships for repairs was still an open question in international law.


#39 14.08.2009 16:25:20

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, August 23rd 1904. 7.25 p.m.
Received, Aug. 24th 5.20 p.m.

No. 349.
    In an apparently inspired article  reproduced in the Norddeutchen Allegemine Zeitung states that in the foreign press  as well as  in some German papers complaints are made  that no official declaration has been made by which disarmament of the Russian ships in Tsingtao includes  the abandonment of making repairs and that it shall be valid for the whole duration of the war. It is not considered necessary that the Government should make such a declaration. Fact of their being disarmed naturally makes it inclusive again that  the ships and equipment shall not [again] be employed in the present war. Those journals which advocate an official declaration of these logical consequences are more Japanese than Japanese Government. It is known that the latter have declared themselves to be throughly satisfied with the measures taken by the Germany and do not request any further explanations.


Отредактированно vs18 (14.08.2009 16:40:18)

#40 14.08.2009 16:40:04

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Aug. 26 1904. 7-40 p.m.
Received, Aug. 27 2-40 p.m.


No. 350. In reference  to your telegram 254, I saw Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs August 26th and informed him of our views. He said that he would communicate with the authorities and hoped that the matter would be arranged satisfactorily. I then referred to what German Minister to Japan had communicated to you as mentioned in your telegram 253. Acting Minister thought that those instructions to German Minister in Tokyo were probably sent off before the reciept of my former communication on the matter.  (My telegram 338) I handed him at the same time a memorandum on the subject of Russian ships at Shanghai, in accordance with your telegram 410 to Viscount Hayashi. Acting Minister said he would study the  case, and remarked that he thought the question was however already settled, for he had heard that the Emperor of Russia had given orders for their immediate disarmament. I then mentioned that, although they are expected to be disarmed, yet it appeared, that Russian Govt. at the same time had given orders to them to continue their repairs,  which in my opinion,  constituted another violation of China's neutrality on the part of Russia. He said that this fact was not yet known to German Govt. and further added that in connection with the affair German Consul at Shanghai had  been instructed not to take any active part but to keep aloof as far as possible in the matter.


#41 14.08.2009 17:57:01

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).



                No. 3379.
Dated, Berlin, Aug. 27 1904. 12-30 P. M.
Received,         "   28    "   6-30 A. M.

No. 352.
    I saw August 26th Acting Minister for foreign Affairs who asked me if I had official information as to the truth in question. I replied that I had no official knowlege but that even if there should be some foundation in the report, I had reason to believe that proper measures would be taken against the Ruissians being sent hone on parole and expressed my conviction that they would not be treated otherwise than those Russians now at Kiaichow.


#42 14.08.2009 18:07:32

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Sept. 5 1904. 11 p.m.
Received, " 6 " 2-35 p.m.


No. 364. In the course of conversation September 5th, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, in reply to my  inquiry, said that, as far as he  could inform me, German Govt. had decided to keep officers and men of the Russian men-of-war for the present at Kiaochow on board their ships, and that perhaps in the winter, they might be transported to some place in Germany.
He then asked me what had become of the Russian Cruiser Diana which was reported  to have entered Saigon about a fortnight ago and whether the ship on being disarmed, her crew will also be interned in Saigon, remarking at the same time that while much public attention had been drawn to  the Russian men-of war  in Tsintau, Diana seems to be allowed, to lie quietly  in Saigon. I replied I had no information on the matter, but that I could assure him that proper steps had undoubtedly been taken against the ship and crew, and that they would be similarly treated as those in Kiaochow.


#43 14.08.2009 18:24:38

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Auf Befehl S. Majestät des Kaisers sind die in Hafen von Tsingtau liegenden 4 Rassische Kriegschiffe (Linienschiff Czarewitsch und drei Torpedoboot) heute entwaffnet worden.
Es wird darauf hingewiesen dass die vorläufig auf den Schiffen verbleibende Russische Besatzung als interniert gilt und sich an Kriegsoperationen nicht beteiligen darf und dass das ?kum ihr zu keinen gegen die Neutralität verstossenden Handlung vorschub leisten darf.
    Tsingtau, den 15ten August 1904
        Der Kaiserliche Gouverneur Truppel

#44 14.08.2009 18:59:12

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).

Попытка систематизировать англоязычные (и другие) документы с сайта Japan Center for Asian Historical Records(JACAR) National Archives of Japan, папка B07090719000, озаглавленная "Miscellaneous matters on Russian naval fleet escaped into ports of neutral countries during Japan-Russia War / Jiaozhou (Kiaochow) Bay".

Часть 1 (reference code B07090719300).
Часть 2 (reference code B07090719400).

#45 14.08.2009 19:18:33

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).



AUSWÄRTIGES AMT.        Berlin, den 20. August  1904.

    Der Unterzeichnete beehrt sich, dem Kaiserlich Japanischen ausserordentlichen Gesandten und bevollmächtigten Minister Herrn Katsunosuke Inouye auf das gefällige  Sehreiben von 16. d. M. zu erwidern, dass nach telegraphisch eingezogener Auskunft des Kaiserlichen Gouverneurs den Kiautschougebiets auf den  russischen Schiffen im Hafen von Tsingtau japanische Befangene sich nicht befinden.
    Der Unterzeichnete benutzt auch diesen Anlass  zur erneuten  Versicherung  seiner  ausgezeichnetsten Hochachtung.

        M ü h l b e r g.


Herrn  K a t s u n o s u k e  I n o u y e

    etc.  etc.  etc.

#46 14.08.2009 19:27:19

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Paris, Nov. 26 1904 5 p.m.
Received, " 27 " 8-40 a.m.


No. 258. ( Old code. )
    It is reported from St. Petersburg to Echo de Paris that Admiral Matoussevitch who was wounded on board Czarowitz, having obtained leave of absence for convalescence, will shortly leave for St. Petersburg.


#47 14.08.2009 19:42:52

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Dec. 6 1904. 7-35 p.m.
Received, " 7 " 5-10 p.m.


No. 476. On receipt of your telegram 317, I immediately asked for information on the matter, but as I was still without any reply from the German Foreign Office, I saw Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Dec. 6th.  He said that German Govt. had duly investigated the matter and the following are the circumstances:- At the beginning of October, Governor of Kiaochow had forwarded application of Rear-Admiral Matusevitz for permission to leave Tsingtao, in order to go and stay in the Riviera for reasons of health, to which reply had been sent that the application could not be entertained.  Whereupon request was renewed, on the ground that the admiral was suffering from inflammation of lungs and that not only Russian but also German doctor had earnestly recommended his removal, his case being  considered hopeless and that his further stay in Tsingtao would be dangerous to his life. Under these circumstances, German Govt. could not do otherwise than to accede to the request, and the admiral was allowed to leave on his giving parole of honour not to engage again in the present war. On my remarking that in such a case, in my opinion, we ought to have been properly informed beforehand and that no faith could be placed in the Russian parole of honour. Vice Minister expressed some surprise that the Japanese Govt. had not been acquainted with the fact, for he gave me to understand that instructions had been already telegraphed to German Minister to Japan Oct. 17th to explain the circumstances to Japanese Govt., and although Russian officer might not have kept their word vis-a-vis their foes, yet as parole of honour was given on the present occasion to the German Govt., they felt bound to place reliance on it. Vice Minister added that the application of the Russian Admiral was not as reported to return to St. Petersburg and that the letter is stated to have left Tsingtao Oct. 22nd.


#48 14.08.2009 19:52:34

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Dec. 19th, 1904. 10 p.m.
Received, " 20th, " 1.10 p.m.

    492. In reference to your telegram 334, I at once inquired of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Dec. 15th about the matter who promised to telegraph to Chingtao and inform me of the result. As I had not received any reply since I inquired again Dec. 19th but I was told that an answer had not yet been received at the Foreign Office and that as soon as it arrives, they would immediately inform me of it.


#49 14.08.2009 20:03:42

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Dec. 27th, 1904. 6.35 p.m.
Received, " 28th, " 11.30 a.m.


497. In reference to my telegram 492, being still without any answer, I saw Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Dec. 27th (owing to Christmas holidays I was unable to see him nor Minister before).  He said that as no reply had been received from Chingtau, they had telegraphed again and an answer had just been received according to which report in question was entirely without foundation as no such permission is as? reported had been granted by the Governor  of Kiaochow. Vice-Minister stated that he would send me an official answer in writing. In reply to a private letter which I had addressed to Minister for Foreign Affairs  on the  subject, he further mentioned that Admiral Matsusevitz had, through their Ambassador in Italy informed Italian Govt=  of the circumstances under which he had been given permission to go to Italy. Vice-Minister added that although the Russian physician interned at Tsingtao had also applied for permission to leave, yet this had been refused.


Отредактированно vs18 (14.08.2009 20:07:00)

#50 14.08.2009 20:15:06

Капитанъ I ранга
anna3 stas3b
Откуда: Харьков, Украина
Сообщений: 3745

Re: Интернирование "Цесаревича" и другие эпизоды в Циндао (Киао-Чао).


Dated, Berlin, Dec. 30th, 1904 2.35 p.m.
Received, " 31st, " 7.40 a.m.


501. In reference to my telegram 497, I have just received the following answer in the form of verbal note dated Dec. 29th:-
    "According to official investigation made, the Imperial Gouvernement in Chingtau has not given leave to any body of the Russian ship equipment interned there
to go to Shanghai. Beside the very exceptional cases in which hitherto Russian officers have been granted leave to go to Italy and to St. Petersburg respectively against their word of honour from constraining personal reasons especially of health, no further discharge of Russian officers from Chintau has taken place. Report which has reached Japanese Government that in the first half month of December many Russian officers have travelled in disguise from Chingtau to Shanghai is accordingly false."
    As reference is made in the above note about leave to Russian officers to return to St. Petersburg, I shall make further inquiry on the matter.


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