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#276 26.03.2019 18:08:18

Участник форума
Сообщений: 11

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Прошу прощения за возникающие новые вопросы, но это наверное последние.
1) Кто осуществлял попытки поиска ?
2) Какие результаты в общих чертах ?
3) Есть ли в результате поисков какая нибудь инфа по М-121 ?

#277 26.03.2019 19:24:49

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Боюсь Вас разочаровать, но ни на один из этих вопросов я ответить не могу. Может, позже что-то станет известно.

#278 26.03.2019 19:41:00

Участник форума
Сообщений: 11

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Буду надеяться, что при появлении со временем информации по интересующим меня вопросам и не смотря на суматоху окружающей жизни ,вы вспомните и отпишитесь. Заранее благодарен.  Александр.
адрес эл. почты:   ale0659@yandex.ru

#279 28.04.2019 17:45:29

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Greetings! I was going to reply back on the other forum thread, then i remembered there is this personal one for you ^^
If you have other knowledge over the Azov Sea operations, I would really like to know more details about a number of clashes and direct combat operations. So far i found plenty of interesting potential ones.

Concerning the 1 May 1943 fight it's somewhat frustrating honestly. I believed that mention of direct POWs from the alleged grounded boat was a direct sign of realistic incident. Yet knowing that there were no prisoners at all jeopardize the whole thing (and other potential incidents too).

The other one i wrote there but you've not commented is the other interesting clash occurred on 30 August 1943 at Taganrog.

Попытки врага атаковать отходящие суда с воздуха были отбиты, в воздушных боях и зенитным огнём сбито 3 немецких самолёта. Также имел место ещё один морской бой: один из бронекатеров прикрытия десанта обнаружил и перехватил немецкий сторожевой катер, пытавшийся атаковать корабли высадки. В завязавшемся морском бою немецкий катер получил тяжелые повреждения и спустил флаг, экипаж (10 человек) сдался в плен. При буксировке захваченный катер из-за полученных повреждений затонул.   
После этого десант на катерах возвратился в Ейск. Наши потери - 1 человек убит и 10 ранены. БКА-111 взял в плен 1 ска противника с экипажем, но из-за невозможности буксировки катер был затоплен. В бою 4 бка с 4 кл и 3 катерами неприятеля с баржами повреждены 1 катер и 1 баржа врага.

Again there are apparently strong reasons to believe the episode is real:
1) Target was apparently a not-Kriegsmarine craft and some kind of evacuation boat from the harbor so it's not impossible that the Navy was unaware of her loss.
2) Incidents described quite in details, including the attempt to tow the boat, make the combat more solid than claiming a blurred-target at the horizoon as sunk
3) Presence of prisoners, including a specific number (10) should again be a relative strong point of evidence.
What is your opinion/assessment?

I have gathered other episodes and incidents, however another that is 100% confirmed in my opinion it's this one:
On 18 August 1943,
As aftermath of the battle that caused the loss of two BKA (Against German MAL).
Two (unknown to me) TKA went in search for the missing boats, encountered two fishing boats and captured them allegedly with 10 POWs.
The episode is fully confirmed by Germans: Ultra file "DEFE 3/614" (pagg750) directly mentioned:

“At 1000” “2 enemy boats carried off 2 fishing boats after capturing the crew(s), 6 men”

Later fixed at "2 M.T.B."
I am interested in knowing the exact number of prisoners and identity (Ukrainians? German guards?), details of the captured boats (hull numbers? extimate in size?) and their exact fate (if towed to base, or scuttled).
And first of all knowing the identity of the TKA involved in seizure.

#280 28.04.2019 19:00:51

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

About 18.8.43

AKA-116 and AKA-126 in search of witnesses of destroying of 2 BKA had founded several fishing boats, and had taken from two of them 10 persons (local population). According to Germans, 6 registered fishermen were lost. So 4 more were unregistered.

About 30.8.43:
At least two German boats (apparently from RTa flotilla, mobilized local fishering boats) had escaped from Taganrog before the liberation of the city. One boat (1 Oerlikon and 1 MG) with 4 persons from local population (on German service) deserted to south coast of the gulf and voluntarily surrendered to KATSh-176. The boat became KATSh-193 "Azovets".
One boat (armament = 1 MG) with 13? Germans (1 from 101.ID, the rest from Kriegsmarine) had stopped by BKA-111 by MG fire. Feldwebel (commander of the boat) shot himself, two had jamped overboard (apparently drowned), 10 became the POW, at least 1 of them WIA by MG fire. The boat sunk due to bad weather.

All these cases are not naval combats of course

lupodimare89 написал:

Concerning the 1 May 1943 fight it's somewhat frustrating honestly. I believed that mention of direct POWs from the alleged grounded boat was a direct sign of realistic incident. Yet knowing that there were no prisoners at all jeopardize the whole thing

In this case the info about POWs isn't from documents but from some unreliable sources.

Отредактированно А. Кузнецов (28.04.2019 19:01:23)

#281 28.04.2019 19:50:32

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Thank you for these informations! Very pleased to answers finally (but understandble it's not a much widespread subject).

All these cases are not naval combats of course

Oh yes i know, but i am interested in general on all this kind of surface "contacts", including seizure or scuttling of very small boats of this nature (not necessarily with gunfire action involved).

AKA-116 and AKA-126 in search of witnesses of destroying of 2 BKA had founded several fishing boats, and had taken from two of them 10 persons (local population). According to Germans, 6 registered fishermen were lost. So 4 more were unregistered.

Fate of these boats is known to you? I have not found further German mentions of them, it is possible they were left floating to sink?

It is great to finally get a full view of the episode of 30/Aug/43
This should be the motorboat becoming KATSh-193

Спойлер :

The victory of BKA 111 so far should be the most neat of such kind of incident involving a Soviet BKA in the whole Azov Sea and Black Sea btw (enemy naval target lost as consequence of direct action, excluding indirect minelaying operations).

I have started to write-down potential similar incidents in Azov Sea spanning from 1941 to 1943 and I could show you bit by bit.
Also don't rush on replies! Take all your time for it.

#282 28.04.2019 20:11:01

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

lupodimare89 написал:

Fate of these boats is known to you?

Not mentioned in the known documents. Small boats, maybe without motors.

lupodimare89 написал:

it is possible they were left floating to sink?

Maybe. Or were taken by nearby fishermen later.

#283 05.05.2019 12:17:11

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Greetings again!
I am slowly reading more of the Defe files, keeping an eye open for other similar episodes, and there are a couple of reports here:

On 1 October 1943,   DEFE 691/5 pagg624 it say that
"All vessels have come except WM-2206, WM-2209 and 3 fishing smacks.
Leaving Genichesk (Azov) to Kerch"

The following day it say
"WM-2209 and WM-2816" (with second unit letter's "2" corrected by pen) and 8 fishing smacks did not arrive in Kerch.
((I think there is possibly some mistake in identification of second unit))

Thes reports COULD match with this Soviet claim i found:

В ночь на 27 сентября они ворвались в Темрюк. Остатки противника отходили к Керченскому проливу, надеясь на переправу через него в Крым, но их попытки были пресечены флотилией.

But it is very vague: there is some more specific/known claims of the Azov Flotilla about intercepting and sinking/seizing small boats in the timespan between 27 September-1 October that could match these missing boats? Do you have more details also on the German side?

Thanks again and no rush for replying

#284 07.05.2019 01:18:27

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.


It is a great difference between Genichesk (NW of Kerch) and Temruyk (E of Kerch). So the hypothetic losses near Temruyk are irrelevant to the events between Genichesk  and Kerch.

Can't find any Soviet claim against sea targets on Azov Sea during timeframe in question.

#285 08.05.2019 12:05:37

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Thank you, and yes i know the distance just it was something described more or less in the same timeframe (so maybe also Soviet boats made similar attempts in the lower Azov Sea more close Kerch, but you found nothing so case close: maybe the boats were lost by weather or just in lage delay).

To get back at Taganrog operations on 30/August, I found two different brief accounts of the actual Soviet occupation of the harbor with potential intact crafts sezied:

A few hours after returning to Yeisk, the same landing force was again landed in Taganrog, where, by the end of the day, the troops of the 44th army had entered. The enemy had already left the city by that time, so the landing force did not lead, taking the port and the ships in it (10 seiners, 2 boats, 2 barges) and 3 warehouses in the port.

But also:

Только в боях за Таганрог моряки уничтожили 3 десантные баржи, сторожевой катер, пароход, буксир, 3 танка, более 200 автомашин, захватили сторожевой катер, 2 тральщика, 54 самоходных сейнера

This second account has more inflated numbers, claiming none less than 6 different targets sunk: possibly one was the motorboat interepted by BK-111, what else could be the other claims? (if real).
Concerning the captures: maybe the two "minesweepers" were actually the motorboat that later become KATSh-193.
The other one could be this:

25. КАТЩ-190 (до 2.10.1943 г. "Таганрог", с 21.06.1944 г. "КТ-825")
Бывший германский сейнер, ТТЭ не установлены. Захвачен 30.08.1943 г., переоборудован в катер-тральщик и 2.10.1943 г. включен в состав Азовской флотилии ЧФ. Участвовал в Керченско-Эльтигенской 31.10 - 11.12.1943 г. десантной операции. 6.01.1944 г. исключен из списков ВМФ, но 21.06.1944 г. после капитального ремонта вновь включен в состав ЧФ.

What do you think it's the real amount/identity of boats/crafts seized in harbor by Soviet boats? So far, i think the number could be 1 motorboat (later become КАТЩ-190), 2 barges and 10 seiners if the first account is more realistic.
Also what it was the identity of the Group of BKA/КАТЩ etc. involved in the operation?

Again, thanks for your replies and no rush ^^

#286 10.05.2019 11:38:55

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

lupodimare89 написал:

What do you think it's the real amount/identity of boats/crafts seized in harbor by Soviet boats?

According to the report of Azov Flotilla, 10 seiners, 2 boats-limousines and 2 non-propelled barges were taken in the harbour. Don't know why someone wrote about 54 seiners etc

lupodimare89 написал:

Also what it was the identity of the Group of BKA/КАТЩ etc. involved in the operation?

In the seizure of the port? Army was involved.

#287 10.05.2019 22:13:22

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Ah ok, thanks for clarifying. Indeed what i gathered was honestly a bit confusing, and it was not clear if army or flotilla captured the harbor first.

Something similar could be said for the following Mariupol operation on 10 September:
I found a description of Soviet boats engaging and sinking a MFP, that's obviously false (apart possible report of prisoners? if there was something on this regard maybe it was simply a barge). If i am correct the harbor was later seized by the disenbarked troops, but with no gunboats directly entering/capturing the harbor, there should be no case of direct boat-to-boat seizure/capture. You have knowledge of some?

Concerning Temryuk (27 September) I had only that very vague line i quoted above:

В ночь на 27 сентября они ворвались в Темрюк. Остатки противника отходили к Керченскому проливу, надеясь на переправу через него в Крым, но их попытки были пресечены флотилией.

But you already say there is no strong report of some targets directly seized concerning this operation. Maybe something immediately before or after?

Finally, concerning the last main German base, Genichesk, in German KTB and Ultra i only found accounts of the scuttling operations at 30 October and evacuation with no report of missing boats or potential losses. There is something on this regard on Soviet claims with some strong proof? (full seizures, prisoners etc.)

Thanks again for all your replies and effort ^^
Take all the time you need.
(PS: Azov Sea doesn't seems to be an high interest of authors, compared to Kerch-Fedosya and open Black Sea operations. I could propose similar questions also for the operations in late 1941 and 1942, even if i have yet to finish research myself the Ultra files of the period. Quite long work because they are merged with other war zones)).

#288 18.05.2019 15:36:57

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

lupodimare89 написал:

Something similar could be said for the following Mariupol operation on 10 September

The enagagement was on 9.9.43 at 22:40 msk - AKA-116, BKA-121, -124 against RA54, F217, F342, F534. AKA-116 claimed 2 MFP sunk but only one was "confirmed" by the command. Really Germans had the minor damages at best, if any. AKA-116 had some damages and 2 crewmen WIA.

Can't find any claim in the rest of cases mentioned by you.

#289 31.05.2019 11:11:22

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Thank you again for your latest reply!
While i would have other questions for Azov Sea, especially for the previous years 1941 and 1942, i would wait a bit because i am making some checks myself on the Ultra.

Meanwhile (still connected to lake-inner seas warfare), i found on russian site, this very brief mention of an incident of seizure in Ladoga Lake.

2 сентября 1941 года

В районе о. Валаам наш ска МО захватил катер противника.

On axishistoryforum i asked Finnish users if there was some trace of information and they found none so far.
My guessing it's if the incident was real, MO seized some kind of local civilian small cutter.

There is some extra data on Soviet side that could strenght this claim? (identification hull number, existance-number of prisoners).
Also it is known the identity of Soviet boats involved?

#290 01.06.2019 22:53:29

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

I didn't dig up Ladoga 1941-44 in depth but most probably it was a boat abandoned in Aug.1941. Anyway nothing interesting for the naval history.

#291 02.06.2019 10:51:51

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

I didn't dig up Ladoga 1941-44 in depth but most probably it was a boat abandoned in Aug.1941. Anyway nothing interesting for the naval history.

Oh ok, a pity. Just to clarify, I am exactly interested this kinds of incidents (everything floating bigger than a nameless rowboat or a raft let's say), especially if they later come to some use in Soviet service (like two abandoned Finnish boats seized during winter war on 30/Nov/39, in the north) or with presence of prisoners (still in Ladoga, a seizure achieved by MO boats on 25/Aug/42 with 2 prisoners).
I think that's far more interesting than pages and pages of debate on stuff like "K-21 vs Tirpitz" for the simple fact of being real than a failure.

I will make some extra questions about Azov Sea once i finish check some of the Ultra for 1943 in that area. Hopefully before i depart for holidays

Thanks again for your work and replies! ^^

#292 25.08.2019 19:01:01

Участник форума
Сообщений: 350

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Hello ^^ Hope you had (or still have) a nice vacation/summer!

Bit by bits, i am making a read of the Ultra/Defe files concerning Black/Azov Sea for 1943 (and eventually will cover them also for late 1941/early1942), meanwhile (knowing you also have knowledge of Baltic area), i would have like to ask you a couple of questions left unaswered (likely by lack of data or just being busy) elsewhere:

((EDITED: Morozov already replied for this question ^^))

Отредактированно lupodimare89 (30.08.2019 11:43:21)

#293 21.09.2019 09:27:41

Участник форума
Сообщений: 111

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

Доброе утро ! Встречались Вам предложение в годы Великой Отечественной Войны установить на бронекатерах вместо танковых башен 85 мм зенитных пушек,37 мм автоматов на Г-5 вместо торпед и на МО-4?

#294 21.09.2019 13:38:56

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.


алексей75 написал:

на бронекатерах вместо танковых башен 85 мм зенитных пушек

85-мм ЗА слишком тяжела для БКА типов 1124, 1125 и С-40

алексей75 написал:

37 мм автоматов на Г-5 вместо торпед и на МО-4?

Г-5 с 70-К - это нереально. С него даже 2-й ДШК снимали, при всём желании иметь усиленное вооружение.
На МО-4 70-К в принципе можно было установить, наверное, но я не встречал. Нужно учитывать, что 70-К весила в разы больше, чем 45-мм 21-К.

#295 21.09.2019 14:41:58

Сообщений: 10104

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.


А. Кузнецов написал:

На МО-4 70-К в принципе можно было установить, наверное, но я не встречал. Нужно учитывать, что 70-К весила в разы больше, чем 45-мм 21-К.

Существует такое фото. Кто это, выяснить не удалось.

У России только два союзника - ее Армия и ее Флот

#296 21.09.2019 14:45:05

Botik Petra Velikogo
anna3 stas3b
Сообщений: 10313

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.


А. Кузнецов написал:

На МО-4 70-К в принципе можно было установить, наверное, но я не встречал. Нужно учитывать, что 70-К весила в разы больше, чем 45-мм 21-К.

Позволю себе сделать дополнение, как автору двух книг по МО: Теоретически установить было можно, поскольку 70-К устанавливалась на катерах проекта Д-3 меньшего водоизмещения, но практически это было не реально из-за предельных значений метацентрической высоты и проблем МО-4 с остойчивостью. Пришлось бы снять все глубинные бомбы, стеллаж, бомбосбрасыватели и кормовую 21-К (она в три раза легче 70-К), чтобы установить 37-мм пушку, а на это никто бы не пошел, поскольку все-таки главное предназначение МО-4 - защита конвоев в т.ч. ПЛО. Поэтому ставили только эрликон за счет стеллажа с малоэффективными БМ-1.
Фото, думаю, экспериментальное, поскольку перегрузка должна была оказаться очень велика.

"Вранье и ложь в пропаганде, агитации и печати дискредитируют партийно-политическую работу, флотскую печать и наносят исключительный вред делу большевистского воспитания масс".

Из директивы заместителя Наркома ВМФ СССР и Начальника Главного политического управления ВМФ армейского комиссара 2 ранга И.В. Рогова.

#297 21.09.2019 15:04:35

Откуда: Новгород
Сообщений: 453

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

vas63 написал:

Существует такое фото. Кто это, выяснить не удалось.

Катер МО-108 в 43 году после ремонта была установлена 37 мм орудие

#298 21.09.2019 15:35:55

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

mop написал:

Катер МО-108 в 43 году после ремонта была установлена 37 мм орудие

Спасибо! А отзывы об эксплуатации катера после этого известны?

#299 21.09.2019 15:39:41

Откуда: Новгород
Сообщений: 453

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

А. Кузнецов написал:

А отзывы об эксплуатации катера после этого известны?

Попалась информация по расходу боезапаса (Демонстрационный десант на Соммерс 43 год)

#300 21.09.2019 16:13:08

А. Кузнецов
Участник форума
Сообщений: 2083

Re: Вопросы Кузнецову А.Я.

mop написал:

Попалась информация по расходу боезапаса (Демонстрационный десант на Соммерс 43 год)

Спасибо! А общие впечатления где-то отражены? Как катер вел себя при разной погоде, при каких условиях был возможен прицельный огонь, удобство эксплуатации и т.п.

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