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#26 05.01.2025 22:45:14

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Кстати, ЛД бук. "Пасвик" на момент потопления оставался норвежским судном или принадлежал уже немцам? Есть у кого-нибудь данные?

Отредактированно Mike DuGalle (05.01.2025 22:45:49)

#27 05.01.2025 23:27:46

Кибардин Г.А.
Подозрительная личность(C)
Сообщений: 1041

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

ЛД бук. "Пасвик" на момент гибели был реквизирован немцами ( подчинялся Admiral Polarküste Kirkenes ),но команда оставалась норвежской ( погибло 9 норвежцев ).

#28 06.01.2025 00:46:25

Участник форума
Сообщений: 367

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)


Concerning SCHIFF-18, the text of igor confirms 19.
Поставленное советскими катерниками заграждение около Киркенеса сработало уже на следующий день.
... the very next day (after 18)

I see they replied you for the "Shchuka"

I've don't have the exact point for Föhn, but it was a convoy to Tallinn. That's a brief description:

The German tug Föhn was lost 21.11. from a convoy to Tallinn. The Finnish minelayers Ruotsinsalmi and Riilahti and gunboats Uusimaa and Hämeenmaa were escorting s/s Erna and Föhn towing another tug Passat. The minelayers cut loose 11 mines and the convoy had to stop because in the dark these could not be seen. Föhn drifted away from the 120-150 m wide lane and was hit by a mine. Erna and Passat miracuously sailed slowly through the barrage while Finnish vessels were sorting out the situation

Concerning БК-213 was BOTH the ramming unit on the battles of 1941 and the one 1944.
The battle of 28 August 1941 occurred during the siege of Hanko, to be exact BK-213 and BK-214 sunk by ramming 4 towing motorboats and 2 pontoons, while other 2 pontons were stranded(total-loss). They made just a minor overclaim of "10 sinking" and that they were full of troops but according to Finns they were empty by luck thus relatively light casualties.

Here my addendum with the surface victories in Ladoga, Peipus, Azov etc:

+ Finnish motorboat on 17/Aug/42. During an engagement abandoned by crew, boarded and scuttled. Finns claims most damage by own coastal artillery.
+ Finnish motorboat "E-32" on 25/Aug/42. Captured by MO-206, MO-213 and MO-215. 2 POW
+ Landing craft "SF-21" on 22/Oct/42. Abandoned by crew after artillery damage, finished with gunfire by gunboat "Nora"
+ Landing boat "I-6" on 22/Oct/42. Abandoned by germans during the battle, found by MO-214 floating intact and took as prize.

+ Finnish barge on 21/May/43. Found stranded after a storm and took as prize by KL-12 and KL-41, it was formarly a soviet barge.

+ Minesweeping boat "KM-08" on 13/Jun/44. Rammed and shelled by BK-213 during a battle. 7 KIA, 2POW

+ fishing boat "MFK-2263" on 19/Jun/42. Mine by SKA-038 and SKA-0118
+ Aux. patrol boat "WM-2412" on 25/Jul/42. Destroyed in combat by SKA-0175 with TKA-154. 2 POW. Germans apparently found the wreck but unclear if it was raised&repaired.
+ Siebel-type barge of Heer on 28/Jul/42. Mine laid by SKA-0175. Heavy human losses.
+ Landing craft MFP "F-133" on 10/Aug/42. Mine laid by SKA-0175. Total loss.
+ Siebel-type barge of Luftwaffe on 10/Aug/42. Mine laid by SKA-0175.
+ Croat Ustasha minesweeping boat "S-I" on 15/Aug/42. Mine laid by SKA-0175
+ Siebel-type barge "SF-123" of Luftwaffe on 16/Aug/42. Mine laid by SKA-0175
+ German tug "Hoflein" on 24/Jul/43. Mine laid by SKA-0412 and SKA-0712
+ Merchant "Immanuel" (143 GRT). Carried manganese ore. on 29/Jul/43. Mine by SKA-0412, BK-121 and BK-122
+ fishing boat "T-265" on 6/Aug/43. Mine laid by BK-124, BK-134, BK-311, BK-313
+ German minesweeping boat "RM-01" on 8/Aug/43. Mine laid by BK-124, BK-134, BK-311, BK-313
+ Lighter "L-2109" on 23/Aug/43. Carried artillery shells casings. Mine by SKA-0412 and BK-124
+ Aux. patrol boat on 30/Aug/43. Attacked by BK-111 and surrendered. 10 POWs, 3 dead (one by suicide and two attempting escape), sunk while in tow.
+ Aux. patrol boat on 30/Aug/43. captured or intentionally surrendered to KATSh-176. 4 Ukainians POW claimed to have defected the Germans.

+ one fishing boat captured by small cutter n°3 (BKM-70 type) on 17/Sept/43. 3 collaborationists POWs.
+ two fishing boats captured by Ya-5, Ya-6 and Ya-7  on 30/Sept/43. 4 collaborationists POWs
+ two fishing boats captured by Ya-6,  Ya-7  and Ya-8  on 2/Oct/43. 4 collaborationists POWs.

+ Romanian tug "Bicaz" on 25 July 1941. Mine laid by BKAs
+ Romanian tug "Helidon" on 25 July 1941. Mine laid by BKAs
+ ten ungarian barges captured intact by two crafts of group BK-164, BK-232, BK-234, BK-243 on 8/Apr/45 close Wien. Full loaded with food, uniforms. Crew fled.

Отредактированно lupodimare89 (18.01.2025 00:13:59)

#29 06.01.2025 01:53:39

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

+ Minesweeping boat "KM-08" on 13/Jun/44. Rammed and shelled by BK-213 during a battle. 7 KIA, 2POW


Отредактированно Mike DuGalle (06.01.2025 01:53:47)

#30 06.01.2025 03:43:23

Участник форума
Сообщений: 367

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Mike DuGalle написал:

lupodimare89 написал:

+ Minesweeping boat "KM-08" on 13/Jun/44. Rammed and shelled by BK-213 during a battle. 7 KIA, 2POW


Отредактированно Mike DuGalle (Сегодня 01:53:47)

Just out of curiosity, it was quite an heated little battle. Soviet had also BK-322 and Germans had overhall 4 minesweepers.
During the clash also "KM-19" on the German side was damaged with 3 WIA, while BK-213 was damaged as well with 2 WIA.
KM-08 was pushed-aground: i've wrote 7 KIA, but technically there were 5 KIA, 4 POWs but two of them died of wonds so can be counted as KIA as well.
2 other German sailors managed to hide themselves and were later recovered by germans, Luftwaffe later made a strike on "KM-08" wreck to prevent the recovery.

#31 06.01.2025 07:26:41

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

+ Finnish motorboat "E-32" on 25/Aug/42. Captured by MO-206, MO-213 and MO-215. 2 POW
+ Landing craft "SF-21" on 22/Oct/44. Abandoned by crew after artillery damage, finished with gunfire by gunboat "Nora"
+ Landing boat "I-6" on 22/Oct/44. Abandoned by germans during the battle, found by MO-214 floating intact and took as prize.


#32 06.01.2025 11:14:58

Фёдор 1979
Участник форума
Откуда: Москва
Сообщений: 193

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)


lupodimare89 написал:

+ Landing craft "SF-21" on 22/Oct/44. Abandoned by crew after artillery damage, finished with gunfire by gunboat "Nora"
+ Landing boat "I-6" on 22/Oct/44. Abandoned by germans during the battle, found by MO-214 floating intact and took as prize.


#33 06.01.2025 11:44:32

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Фёдор 1979 написал:

lupodimare89 написал:

+ Landing craft "SF-21" on 22/Oct/44. Abandoned by crew after artillery damage, finished with gunfire by gunboat "Nora"
+ Landing boat "I-6" on 22/Oct/44. Abandoned by germans during the battle, found by MO-214 floating intact and took as prize.



#34 06.01.2025 12:52:02

Участник форума
Сообщений: 367

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Yeah sorry for the year (typo + evening mistake).
Will make checks later to see if i made others.

Anyway, there are other possible suspicious victories by Soviet surface crafts. Some i've personally researched a bit, but in most case it was against minor boats, all unnamed/whose names are not survived in records.

Some things will be likely never known, like the exact name of all the Siebel crafts lost in Azov Sea or the auxiliary patrol boats ("WM") that were basically local minor soviet-ukrainian boats captured by Germans and reused.

I've some more hope for the Finnish boats-crafts because I know that Finns are making an effort to digitalize all their war diaries but they are hand-written so it require some reader proficient with the language

#35 06.01.2025 16:52:06

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Кибардин Г.А. написал:

ЛД бук. "Пасвик" на момент гибели был реквизирован немцами ( подчинялся Admiral Polarküste Kirkenes ),но команда оставалась норвежской ( погибло 9 норвежцев ).

Т. е. это было судно кригсмарине?

#36 06.01.2025 17:14:17

Кибардин Г.А.
Подозрительная личность(C)
Сообщений: 1041

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)


Это было судно кригсмарине.

#37 06.01.2025 17:24:23

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

+ Finnish barge on 21/May/43. Found stranded after a storm and took as prize by KL-12 and KL-41, it was formarly a soviet barge.


#38 06.01.2025 17:51:33

Откуда: Петропавловск-Таганрог-Донецк
минный заградитель Кавторанг Иванов
Сообщений: 6449

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Mike DuGalle написал:

Согласно данным отсюда:

Это герм. бук. «Д» («D»; бывш. сов. буксир), потопленный арт. ЭМ «Незаможник» в Феодосии 19 декабря 1942.

Это достоверный результат?
Если "да", добавлю без проблем.

У кого-нибудь, кстати, есть ещё какие-нибудь подробности данного эпизода?

Встречал, что в бывший советский буксир было попадание 100мм снаряда во время высадки десанта в порту Феодосии. Скорее всего речь идет об одном событии. Но разная датировка. Не интересовался подробностями действий ЧФ в декабре 1941, получается, что обстрел порта Незможником был ранее. Интересно с какой целью? Разведка боем перед основной операцией?

#39 06.01.2025 18:27:53

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

veter написал:

Mike DuGalle написал:

Согласно данным отсюда:

Это герм. бук. «Д» («D»; бывш. сов. буксир), потопленный арт. ЭМ «Незаможник» в Феодосии 19 декабря 1942.

Это достоверный результат?
Если "да", добавлю без проблем.

У кого-нибудь, кстати, есть ещё какие-нибудь подробности данного эпизода?

Встречал, что в бывший советский буксир было попадание 100мм снаряда во время высадки десанта в порту Феодосии. Скорее всего речь идет об одном событии. Но разная датировка. Не интересовался подробностями действий ЧФ в декабре 1941, получается, что обстрел порта Незможником был ранее. Интересно с какой целью? Разведка боем перед основной операцией?

Ранее уже подтвердили, что это достоверный результат.

Нашëл по этой теме статью за авторством Цуварева В. А. и Оруджева Э. Я. Согласно ей, это была одна из набеговых операций (уничтожение бук. "Д" в статье подтверждается также).

Отредактированно Mike DuGalle (06.01.2025 20:05:34)

#40 06.01.2025 18:32:18

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Кстати, есть у кого-нибудь данные, кто командовал КЛ "Красная Грузия" (по последним данным, именно она на Чëрном море вместе с КЛ "Красный Аджаристан" выставили минное заграждение, на котором погибли рум. ТР "Каварна" и герм. ТР "Корделия")?

#41 06.01.2025 20:42:15

Откуда: Петропавловск-Таганрог-Донецк
минный заградитель Кавторанг Иванов
Сообщений: 6449

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Mike DuGalle написал:

Ранее уже подтвердили, что это достоверный результат.

Про это я в курсе. Мне давно друг рассказывал об этом буксире по другому поводу и со ссылкой на личный источник информации, получивший её еще сразу после ВОВ работая в немецких архивах. Мы с Вами разошлись только в датах я не настаиваю на последних числах декабря.

#42 07.01.2025 04:00:47

Кибардин Г.А.
Подозрительная личность(C)
Сообщений: 1041

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

Канонерская лодка «Красная Грузия» ( командовал капитан 3-го ранга Г. В. Катунцевский  ).

#43 07.01.2025 16:32:18

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)


Добавил в список повреждение герм. ТКА «S 40» в ночь на 02.07.42 в у м. Ай-Тодор в результате боя между 4 герм. ТКА («S 28», «S 40», «S 72» и «S 102») и 2 сов. СКА (МО-0112 и -0124) в ночь на 02.07.1942.
Сам бой остался за немцами (оба сов. корабля были потоплены, в плен попало 31 чел., в т. ч. ком. 109-й стрелковой дивизии ген.-м-р П.Г. Новиков)

Однако в результате попадания снаряда в «S 40» герм. корабль получил серьëзные повреждения, был отбуксирован в Ак-Мечеть, затем в Констанцу (3 члена экипажа погибло и около 10 получили ранения, включая ком.)

Отредактированно Mike DuGalle (07.01.2025 16:33:45)

#44 08.01.2025 18:07:14

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

+ V-5909 Coronel on 1/02/43  -  mine laid by MOs

According to:

Botik Petra Velikogo написал:

Поплыли дальше, зашли за угол (Варде), бац и взрыв. Плавающая мина однозначно. После этого конвой повернул на обратный курс и зашел в Варде.

the mine was floating

#45 08.01.2025 18:33:07

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

+ fishing boat "MFK-2263" on 19/Jun/42. Mine by SKA-038 and SKA-0118

According M. Morozov, the ship was sunk by air mines (mine-torpedo aircraft)

#46 08.01.2025 20:10:13

Откуда: Средняя Волга
шлюпка с "Fuso"
Сообщений: 1434

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

fishing boat "MFK-2263"

А данные  по этой посудине , есть какие нибудь ( пишут  , парусно суденышко было ... )
Аббревиатура  MFK  это скорее всего нем . - Motorfischkutter.  Какая нибудь  мелкая   реквизированная ПМШ.

Отредактированно mihapm (13.01.2025 20:18:03)

"Всему быть там где суждено". ПМ.

#47 10.01.2025 19:03:35

Участник форума
Сообщений: 367

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)


There may be others, but here is a partial list with addittional cases of ships damaged by Soviet surface vessels (obviously only including episodes when damage was significant or moderate at least, like a direct gunnery hit. Not included episodes with small damages by fragments/small weapons etc).
((Again there could be minor typos. Will check them later))


Minesweeper R-58 damaged by mine on 9/Sept/41. This occurred between Seiskari and Koivisto: most likely from field of destroyer "Kalinin", minelayer "Ural", minesweepers T-205 and T-211.

Finnish motor torpedo boat "Vinha" damaged on 19/Jul/41 by direct hit from minesweeper T-202 "Buy". Towed away by fellow units.

U-140 damaged by depth-charges on 21/July/41. Likely by the small units sent to rescue the survivors of submarine "M-94", just torpedoed by the enemy sub.

Finnish sub. "Vesihiisi" damaged by depth charges on 5/Aug/41. By auxiliary minesweeper Menzhinskyi and by PK-211 (later MO-212), MO-142

Finnish minesweeper "Siika" damaged by mines on 3/Nov/41. In Koivisto sound, laid by MOs (but maybe NOT the same group that sunk Porkkala: possibly they were among the same minelayer units, but i've not the list).

Finnish patrol boat VMV-17 damaged on 23/May/43 by MO-207 and MO-303. 1 KIA, 1 WIA. This was a famous fight with the two soviet boats encircled and broke away during a heavy fight even if damage and casualties.

motor torpedo boat S-97 damaged on 26/May/44 by MO-302 (also damaged with casualties), MO-104, MO-313 . One 45mm direct hit with heavy damages, 3 KIA 1 WIA.

patrol ship V-5713 "Sudetenland" damaged on 21/Nov/44 by direct 76mm from group of gunboats BK-503, BK-513, BK-515, BK-518.


U-571 damaged by depth-charges on 26/Aug/41 by destroyer "Valerian Kuybyshev".
This was after the torpedoing of Marija Uljanova, damage was quite serious with a leak and forced to return home.

U-578 damaged by ramming on 25/Nov/41 by patrol ship SKR-25 Briz. Serious damage with hole and leak that forced repairs.

U-1163 damaged by ramming on 9/Dec/44 by destroyer "Zivuchyi". Required repairs. 

U-294 damaged by depth-charges on 22/Apr/45 by "Karl Liebknecht" and/or "Derzkyi" with sub.chaser BO-131. Damage was enough to force it back, it occurred during german assaults on soviet convoy PK-6 when other two subs. reported some damages (but also by Catalina attacks)


Landing craft F-130 damaged on 29/Apr/42  by drifting mine on western black sea. Sometimes claimed by L-3 submarine's mines but actually was an old and drifting mine so was possible some surface-ship barrier.

U-24 damaged with depth-charges on 31/Mar/43 by minesweepers T-406 "Iskatel", T-407 "Mina" and T-409 "Garpun". Forced back to base.

motor torpedo boat S-72 on 23/Apr/43 damaged by one 45mm direct hit shell. This was likely by a SKA, there were several engagements quite hard to say who.

motor torpedo boat S-47 on 6/Jul/43 damaged by SKA-062, commander wounded and damage to the engine.

motor torpedo boat S-45 on 5/Oct/43 damaged by 45mm from Soviet destroyer "Besposhchadnyi" (I read also "Sposobnyi"). This was a failed S-boat attack against the group of leader destroyer Kharkov, but the next day Luftwaffe sunk all the three ships.

motor torpedo boat S-28 on 6/Oct/43 damaged by direct 45mm hit from SKA-015. Both Germans and Soviet were searching for survivors of the sinking of the 3 large soviet ships. SKA-015 actually opened intense fire against a whole group of S-boats, another had minor splinters and a third boat had gun out of action, but only the first could be rated as a damaging victory.

minesweeper R-207 on 15/Nov/43 damaged by direct 45mm hit. Likely from a SKA (it was an engagement with mixed soviet group), quite significant damage under waterline had to be towed to avoid sinking.

U-18. Damage by depth-charges on 20/Nov/43 from SKA-031, SKA-0141 and SKA-0512 with support of a rare Chye-2 seaplane. This was the most significant damage influcted to a German sub by soviet depth-charging in Black Sea: boat was put on repair until the end of January 44

minesweeper R-196 on 8/Dec/43 damaged by direct 45mm hit from SKA-036. Damage under waterline, had to be towed.

motor torpedo boat S-149 on 5/May/44 damaged by direct 45mm hit from SKA-023, SKA-072 or SKA-0512


minesweeper R-166 on 21/Jul/43 damaged by two direct hits during a battle with BK-111, BK-112, BK-113, SKA-0412, SKA-0712. I will check better the caliber of the damage to see if it was the BKA or the SKA.  Damage was heavy, also 2 KIA, 1 WIA. Towed by other ships to avoid sinking.


Italian motor torpedo boat MAS-527 on 15/Aug/42 damaged by hit from gunboat "Selemdzha". This is a famed attack in Ladoga that still nowadays my connational authors claim a torpedo-sinking of a "Soviet BIRA-class gunboat" despite being completely unproved and unreal. Indeed it was real the opposite: the attack failed and the MAS escaped with damage.

Finnish tugboat "Kelo" on 17/Aug/42 damaged by hits from MO-205 and MO-213. Ship grounded with 1 WIA. During this same attack the MO (already wrote in my last post) destroyed a motorboat.

Italian motor torpedo boat MAS-529 on 1/Sept/42 damaged by one 45mm hit from MO-201, MO-213, MO-215. Engine room was holed but ship escaped high-speed.


One "Linse"-type assault speedboat damaged on 25-26/Mar/45 clashing with BK-4, BK-231, BK-241 and BK-313. It was the repulsion of a planned sabotage with explosive charges against the Soviet monitors "Azov" and "Kerch", overhall there were seven attacking boats, crew carried also Panzerfaust rockets. The damaged speedboat had 3 WIA.

#48 12.01.2025 20:30:53

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

Minesweeper FR-12 sunk on 11/10/41 by mines laid by schooner "Chaika"

According to Morozov, the ship was sunk by gunboat (KL) mines

#49 16.01.2025 20:49:07

Откуда: Средняя Волга
шлюпка с "Fuso"
Сообщений: 1434

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

Minesweeper FR-12

Речные КАТЩ  спец . постройки  ( Lürssen shipyard . Фегезак Германия )  27 т, 17,42х3,3х0,85 м. 13 уз.

"Всему быть там где суждено". ПМ.

#50 16.01.2025 22:29:31

Mike DuGalle
Участник форума
Сообщений: 268

Re: Успехи советских надводных кораблей (кроме ТКА)

lupodimare89 написал:

+ Aux. patrol boat "WM-?" on on 30/Oct/43. Attacked by BK-111 and surrendered. 10 POWs, 3 dead (one by suicide and two attempting escape), sunk while in tow.

30/Oct/43 - or (according to #468836) 30/Aug/43?

Отредактированно Mike DuGalle (16.01.2025 22:30:17)

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